Vanga: Syria has not yet fallen - an explanation. Vanga's predictions about Syria And what will happen soon

Taking nothing for granted, the fact must be admitted: some of the predictions of famous soothsayers (otherwise they would have remained in obscurity) came true, including more than two-thirds of Wang's.

In the book "The Truth About Vanga" by her niece Krasimira Stoyanova, published in 1997, there is an aunt's quote: “An ancient teaching will come into the world. I am often asked: “Will that time come soon?” No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet!(p. 162). Krasimira points out that she wrote down the statement in 1980.

Other authors date Vanga's first predictions about Syria to 1978. Later, in the book of Nadezhda Dimova “Vanga. The secret of the gift of the Bulgarian Cassandra ”(2007) there is a phrase by Vanga: "Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same." Neither in 2007, nor in 1997, nor in 1978 was there a war in Syria, there was no one to win.

In addition, there is evidence that Vanga mentioned Syria as the magical territory of the first biblical crime - the murder of Abel by Cain, with which great world events will be connected in the future. Some eyewitnesses claim that Vanga also connected the world war with the fall of Syria, the result of which will be the victory of good over evil.

To believe or not to believe in predictions, especially their interpretations, is a voluntary matter. I propose not to take anything for granted, but one fact is indisputable - decades ago, Vanga connected certain events with Syria that would be of worldwide significance.

It would seem, what was that Syria like in those days (as it is today)? A state of average size in terms of territory and population without globally significant reserves of the same hydrocarbons (either the case with its eastern neighbors), without exceptional transit corridors (which are easily bypassed from all sides), and in general a country without anything exceptional or globally significant in order to conflict with the nuclear powers because of it.

However, after Friday the thirteenth (April 2018), at about 4 o'clock in the morning, the nuclear Apocalypse could begin from here. The world stood on the brink, and again the Russian leader showed restraint and responsibility for the fate of the world. Qualities that are often imputed to him as "plums". However, until now the danger of a global conflict in Syria and in Ukraine (which is again moving from pirate raids on Russian ships to massive shelling of the cities of free Novorossiya while the OSCE is “sleeping”) has not decreased. Ukraine as Russia's "Achilles' heel" is understandable. But why Syria? Vanga, perhaps, knew the answer, but did we? I don't know about you, I don't.

I know something else: the West, breaking down the post-war system of international law, finally moved into its information "matrix" - into subjective, not objective reality. There is a fact, it is an objective reality, or, more simply, the truth does not matter, only the “picture” drawn by the global media is significant: CNN, ABC, BBC and other “siss”.

The global transition of the Western world into "subjective reality" took place gradually. At first, there were even some signs of “real”, globalists created plausible “evidence”, through which they convinced new supporters, and not with mass daily volleys of fake guns (as it is now), but with complex, sophisticated “inferences” and casuistic, but still “logic”. Now everything is simplified to "lawlessness", again the Russian proverb is right: "simplicity is worse than theft". Let's compare what was and what is in three examples (there are many more).


A movie is shown to the world: "The USA has landed on the moon." All the power of the American propaganda machine is aimed at simulating the "landing of astronauts": from Stanley Kubrick's Hollywood shootings to the real launch of "dummy". When amers are “caught by a playful hand” for decades, they either keep silent about “military (later state) secrets”, or justify staged shootings by the impossibility (corruption, illegibility, etc.) of real ones. Here it is - Western "pseudo-logic" (casuistry) in action: “Yes, the evidence is fake, but we flew, I give a tooth! You all have to trust us! And don’t you dare check: the lunar landing sites have been declared American property!”

year 2001.

Blockbuster: "Attack of Muslim terrorists on the USA". For plausibility, the globalists kill thousands of Americans, but allow clumsy punctures: the absence of traces of aircraft in the Pentagon, the Pennsylvania forest and portholes on the liners directed at the New York towers, the third collapsed skyscraper, the metal of the supports, melted with kerosene, made of an alloy stronger than aircraft, "preserved" in the ruins of the World Trade Center the passports of terrorists, some of which are still alive, etc. etc. However, the planet partly believes, partly is forced to believe in the fake of its owners: “evil is proud of its power and the fact that the majority has come to terms with it.” The occupations and destructions of Afghanistan and Iraq (a test tube was shaken over the corpse of the latter for "credibility") take place with the approval (at least tacitly) of "all progressive mankind."

2018 year.

The ongoing series "Unipolar". In it, by this year, the West had completely ceased to care about the credibility and evidence in the accusations of their counterparts. They said: “Assad is poisoning the people with chemical weapons” - everyone is ordered to believe, it is stated: “Pro-Russian terrorists shot down a Malaysian Boeing” - everyone is ordered to believe, thrown in: “Russian athletes use doping” - everyone is ordered to believe, etc. etc. “Everyone, everyone, everyone! Believe, believe, believe!” No "vangam" dreamed of such "trust"! “Gentlemen”, after all, they take their word for it, so that the card goes on for them.

Subjective reality, drawn by globalists for the "zombirat" - we live in such a strange and terrible time.

Of course, not only the global media, but also "international" structures (including courts - tribunals) controlled by the globalists to help the West. That is probably why we do not see mountains of vain lawsuits by Russian companies against sanctions imposed (contrary to WTO rules) or lawsuits by Russian athletes against WADA. The Swedish arbitration is the best confirmation of such a “slander”, it is a “classic” of savage “justice” in its pure form, not diluted with justice: “Western countries and Ukraine are allowed not to buy contractual volumes of gas from Russia, and it is fined for not pumping these volumes ".

Western judges “shamanize” in the same way as shamans in the tribes of cannibals - or rather, the latter still learn from the former “mind-reason” - cannibalism. So Russia is guilty before the globalists precisely because they want to eat it, but it resists. That is why for cannibals what meaning can any "evidence", what "logic", what questions: "why?" and “who benefits?” Yes, none!

The same OPCW stupidly ignores the conclusion of the Swiss laboratory. No excuses to the West - what a "dead poultice". But he invites others only to repent and pay. Nothing personal - the cannibal business is like this: "either you eat, or you."

But for the "adequate" in fact, in truth: why would Russia poison the Skripals with chemical weapons? Where is the evidence, let alone the corpses? This cannibals do not care - guilty and all! Why would Syria poison the population of the encircled and almost already liberated city (about the planned provocation in which she and Russia had been warned weeks in advance)? Where is the evidence, let alone the corpses? This cannibals do not care - guilty and all! Trump tweeted that all missiles hit their targets - believe everyone! Where is the evidence, let alone the corpses? This is not important for cannibals - a priori guilty Syria and Russia are punished by the superpower of supermen! Hitler, with his bloody provocations on the Polish-German border, is hopelessly outdated compared to the new "supermen"!

And let Russian and Syrian officials speak at the UN, in other international structures, and prove not only non-involvement, but even the absence of “crimes” events. Let the Russian and Syrian military representatives arrange briefings, prove the destruction of more than two-thirds of "smart" American missiles. Who in the West will hear them, let alone listen?

The same Israel, having killed dozens of Palestinians during a peaceful demonstration, strikes at a Syrian airfield under the pretext "animal poisoning by Assad of his own people." Cannibalistic casuistry of the highest standard! Not only Western, but also pro-Israeli Russian media, if they do not approve of this news, then hush it up or mention it in passing (in small print, in a half-whisper, in sketches).

For the Western “zombirat”, all the more, there is only “subjective reality”, limited only by its “siss”. And in it, the American “defender of democracy” successfully punishes “wild Asian satraps” (in other words, “animals”).

Or is it hard for the “siss” to convince their “lokhorat” that “the terrorists of Donbass, supported by terrorist Russia, are grossly violating the Minsk agreements”? Never mind (however, this has happened more than once!) Who read these agreements, who “needs it”? Or will the western inhabitant treated with propaganda not believe that “Russian terrorists” will blow up treatment facilities, a chemical plant in the Donbass, and even a nuclear power plant in Ukraine (OSCE is a future “witness”)? Who in the West even thinks about international politics? Who will stop any whim of the globalists? What's in the "real", what's in the "virtual"? "Sisi" fooled the vast majority of the population in the West, they do not pour on the heads of "Sarmatians" yet - both "buzz" and "like", then it will be too late anyway. But that is "later".

The West has finally become its own "director" of fake "himataks for a zombie man", and a prosecutor, and a lawyer, and an executioner in one bottle with both the "Iraqi" powder and the Skripal "newbie".

Until the Russian Federation listens to the “Kats” and surrenders to the “mercy of the winners”, it is for the “civilized world” - "outcast of the goyim" subject to destruction, dismemberment, depopulation and plunder. The fate of the Russian "goyim - outcasts": to expose the "rear and cheeks" to the powerful of this world.

Any concession to the world rulers and calls for "international law" are perceived by them only as a sign of the weakness of the victim, and there is only one "law": "weak - kill and eat." Here are the Western “gears”: Russian “democrats”, led by a Baku grandmaster in Lithuania, are openly discussing options for dividing Russia, while simultaneously promoting new “nations” according to the Ukrainian “recipe”: Siberians, Cossacks, Pomors, Volgars, etc. However, some of the “democrats” give Siberia to China and argue with their comrades-in-arms whether to give it the Urals, or make it independent, or even temporarily leave the remnants (another casuistry) of European Russia.

Without her, the hated, unfortunately, cannibalistic "democrats - human rights activists - philanthropists" cannot yet be dispensed with: they have not yet worked out the "final solution of the Russian question", although the tendency of the answer is what they will do with the wrong people "subhuman = brainwashed cotton wool (according to Kasparov)" is excellent viewed. Only the West needs "liberals" without Russia?

Yes, anywhere! For example, they can assemble a Western cabal and “in accordance with the Minsk agreements approved by the UN” try to unilaterally (what else in a unipolar world?) To introduce “peacekeepers” of NATO countries to the Donbass, those who will resist the “civilized solution of the issue” - to declare "terrorists" (however, this is already).

Having mentioned the region that was once Ukraine, it may be worth recalling another soothsayer. Archimandrite of Odessa Jonah predicted: “No one will attack Russia, no one will attack the United States. The war will start from a small country, smaller than Russia. There will be an internal confrontation that will develop into a civil war, a lot of blood will be shed, and Russia, the United States, and many countries will be drawn into this civil war funnel of a small country. And that will be the start of World War III.”, he said before his death. Regarding the date of this war, Jonah said: "Here I will die - and in a year it will begin." He died in December 2012, and a year later Euromaidan began in Ukraine...

And yet, returning to Vanga, one of her predictions about Russia dates back to 1979 and was recorded by the writer Valentin Sidorov: “There is no force that could break Russia. Russia will develop, grow and strengthen. Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. She will sweep everything away from her path and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world. According to the same author, the prophetess then made a long-term prediction: “Now Russia is called the Union. But the old Russia will return and will be called the same as under St. Sergius. Everyone recognizes her spiritual superiority, and America too. It will happen in 60 years. Before that, three countries will get closer: China, India and Russia…”

It turns out that Vanga predicted America's recognition of Russia's superiority around 2040. But why should we wait so long, especially for those who do not believe in prophecy?

We already know: “Strength is in the truth!”, but the truth is on the side of Russia, because, as before: “Our cause is right! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!"

And no "sissy" of the next globalists - "superhumans" will be saved)))

In Syria (Assyria), a real winner emerged, and not a ghostly one at whose feet most of the territories of present-day Iraq and Syria were laid before! Vanga's prediction that "Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the one" came true!

Everyone was waiting for the moment when Syria would fall under the blows of ISIS. But no one, or almost no one, noticed how the ghostly winner changed to the real one. This event has happened. The date of this event is known to all - 09/30/15, when Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad personally wrote a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin asking him for military support. From what - such conclusions follow? Syria is almost captured by ISIS terrorists, 80% of its territory is under their control, this is exactly what indicates that Syria has fallen. Assad's troops are melting away and over the 4 years of the struggle they have been pretty exhausted and frayed. The United States and Western countries starved Syria, waited for the regime itself to fall ( that is, the United States and Western Europe should have become the winners of Syria). They created and fed ISIS. But what did they need it for? Through Syria, it was possible to lay a gas pipeline to Europe, as well as oil at lower prices. Complete energy independence from Russia. But what did Vanga say?

"Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will be the wrong one!" That is, the winner was planned to be the United States with its brainchild of ISIS, but the winner will be different - Russia. Here is the secret meaning of her prediction.

So what did Vanga say: it began with the fact that the Bulgarian seer back in 1978 started talking about the arrival in the world of a new ancient teaching of a certain "White Brotherhood" (we know only one ancient teaching associated with the concept of the White Brotherhood - this is the "Vedas"), which Vanga connected with the changes in Syria: “They ask me:“ Will this time come soon? No, not soon. Assyria has not yet fallen! Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will be the wrong one! After that, according to the fortuneteller, an update will begin in Russia, which will spread to the whole world. (that is, after our victory in Syria, her ancient faith, the Vedas, will revive in Russia).
Vanga was not talking about Syria, but about Assyria - an ancient state in the Northern Mesopotamia, on the territory of modern Iraq. Assyria lay north of Babylonia along the upper Tigris and the basins of the Big Zab and Little Zab rivers; in our time, its borders would be the borders of Iran in the east, Turkey in the north and Syria in the west. In general, modern Iraq north of the Euphrates includes most of the ancient territory of Babylonia and Assyria. Now most of this territory is occupied by ISIS.
If you believe the words of the seer, then the Third World War will begin with the fall of Syria and spread to Europe, in 2016 Europe will be empty and cold. Now it is 2015 and we see how the Syrian people are fleeing to Europe in an endless stream, and the people of the country, in part, are the country. That is, there is, in fact, the fall of Syria, at the feet of the winner (the United States and Western Europe). Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same, these are the words of Vanga.
In this situation, Europe in part is that ghostly winner, because they helped the United States to bomb Syria, of course they are not quite winners, only in part, but still they can be considered as winners in this confrontation, Europe achieved those results, for the sake of which it was intended to rock the Middle East. Therefore, the countries of Europe are the winners, and the Syrian people are crumbling at his feet.
But suddenly, on September 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the Federation Council to allow the use of the contingent of the Russian Armed Forces outside the country, at the request of the legitimate authorities of Syria.

Syria fell at the feet of the United States and Europe, but they were never able to completely conquer this country, Russia prevented. So it turns out from Vanga's prediction: Syria will collapse at the feet of the US and Europe, but the winner will be Russia! Russia will help destroy ISIS, liberate Syria and Iraq, along with Iran, Hezbollah, Syrians, Iraqis, etc.
We are on the threshold of great changes that are taking place here and now. Get Ready: Appearance of the Virgin Mary to American clairvoyant Veronica Luken: “The Mother of God is now looking sad. I see she points to what looks like a map. My God! I look at the map. Oh, I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia and French Morocco in Africa. Oh my god! These countries are currently in very thick darkness. My God! The Mother of God says: "The beginning of the Third World War, my child." Now another card. I see Israel and neighboring countries. They were all on fire...
The war grows, the carnage intensifies. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of mankind.”
There will be a big war in the future. It will coincide with the war in the Middle East.”
« Syria will be the key to peace or World War III. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the globe. The world is on fire because of the orb of redemption."
The Ball of Atonement - this is how Veronica Luken calls an unusual comet star that will appear in the sky of our planet in the near future.

Why exactly after the fall of Syria, global changes await humanity, Vanga did not say. But the answer to this question can be found if you look in the Bible. Syria in antiquity once already became a place that changed the fate of the world: here the first ritual murder on Earth took place. In Damascus, pilgrims are shown the place where Cain, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel. It is called the Cave of First Blood. Local theologians, both Muslim and Christian, provide evidence that the tragedy occurred here:
- Firstly, the crevice resembles a mouth with a tongue and teeth open in a scream - the mountain screamed in horror when the atrocity happened. Secondly, on the stone there is an imprint of the palm of the archangel Gabriel, whom the Lord sent to hold the rock, which was about to crush the murderer. God appointed another punishment for the villain - for forty years he carried the body of his brother with him everywhere, looking for death, but neither man nor beast dared to touch him. Abel is buried twenty kilometers from Damascus. And now there is blood again. It turns out that the mystical circle of murders, which began in Syria back in biblical times, is now closed - here again brother turned against brother!

Many politicians now say that humanity is on the verge of a third world war and that the Syrian conflict could become the impetus for it. But the wise Vanga believed in the victory of good. Remember her words that after the fall of Syria, a new doctrine will come into the world. Here is Vanga's prophecy about him:
“The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the Earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us, it comes whether we like it or not. The new time will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed.”
God grant that the conflict in Syria becomes the last war on Earth!

Will the Western countries and the United States have enough reason and wisdom to establish peace or the energy moment has overshadowed their heads. Will they come to terms with a clear defeat in Syria, because Russia has done so much in half a month that the Westerners have not been able to do in years.

But what about Russia?

Vanga - about the future of Russia
1 “Everything will melt like ice, and only one thing will remain - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. She will sweep everything away from her path and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world.».
2 "Russia will lose weight and take its place again."
3 "In Russia, many new people will be born who will be able to change the world."
4 "Life will be found in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth."
5 "A big city will be excavated in the ground, so people will learn more about their past."
6 “In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the earth will rest.”

All in our hands!

During her lifetime, the Bulgarian seer Vanga was famous for giving accurate predictions. She spoke about the fate of countries, peoples, about significant changes that will take place in the future. Vanga's prediction about Syria and the Third World War is especially relevant, because. military operations are taking place all over the world.

Negative predictions about Syria

Vanga's prediction about Syria is already coming true. According to the clairvoyant, 2020 will be the beginning of inevitable transformations. Even during her lifetime, the clairvoyant predicted conflicts that the country could not avoid. She talked a lot about Russia, because. For her, it was a second home. Contemporaries interpret the healer's predictions and associate them with the current situation. Now her words have a different meaning.

Vanga spoke about Syria and Russia with sadness. To repeat verbatim, it became painful for her every time she looked into the future.

Predictions for next year:

  • the future will be the result of past mistakes;
  • until Syria gets away from the conflict, does not find a way to resolve it, the entire world order will be under threat;
  • Syria, Russia, Ukraine will play a major role in the coming conflicts;
  • since 2020, a series of frustrated international negotiations begins; countries will begin to pursue a dual policy, and international relations will worsen.

Syria will be just the beginning of a problem that will soon affect everyone. In order for the country not to fall, the Syrians will have to fight not only for justice, but also for peace. In 2020, there will be significant decisions to be made, problems to be solved within countries; events will occur that will not allow a quick resolution of the brewing conflict.

World War III

World War III is the most negative prediction for 2020. Many magicians, astrologers, elders talk about this conflict. The events of previous years only hastened its approach. 2018 was a test, and not all countries passed it.

Vanga's predictions about the third world war are associated with a serious confrontation, the problem will begin with trifles. First, each country participating in the future conflict will hide behind noble motives. Different nations will fight for a just cause. True motives will be revealed later.

The prediction is intertwined with the prediction of the beginning of the division of the world.

The confrontation between Europe and the West with Russia and Asia will continue. The Third World War, according to the seer, will begin unnoticed - the countries will not even understand that they have already made fateful decisions. The prediction began to come true: a conflict arose in which there is neither right nor wrong. The clairvoyant said with regret that numerous deaths would be in vain.

Background of the war

Vanga's predictions about the war are not fully understood for the reason that the clairvoyant saw a whole picture of the future. She knew where certain events would lead. The Smolensk tragedy and the death of the Polish president were the first step on the road to war. The clairvoyant often spoke about them, but did not go into details. The next event that brought the war closer was the conflict in the Donbass, in which Russia was presented as the main culprit.

According to the seer, for a great power to fall, weapons are not required. She foreshadowed attacks that undermined the country's economy. The policy of the last months of 2018 confirms the words of the seer. Sanctions and prohibitions also apply to war. The healer's latest predictions related to the events of early 2020: without giving exact dates, she spoke of wrong political decisions that would force countries to take drastic measures.

The beginning of the conflict

If we summarize all the predictions of the clairvoyant, it will be possible to understand that the Third World War has already begun. The fortuneteller says that the conflict between Russia and Georgia was decisive, and the situation with Syria accelerated the outbreak of hostilities.

If the war starts later than the conflicting parties openly express their dislike, it will no longer be stopped. The exact date of the start of hostilities was not named. The seer was afraid that her words would be used against peaceful people. According to her, the conflict will begin by the end of 2020. The country that lies between Russia and the West will fall first. The clairvoyant did not go into details. According to her, a nuclear attack will happen a year later. She will indicate that World War 3 will not end soon.

The soothsayer foretold Europe that at the beginning of 2020 she would have difficulties with resources. This will be one of the reasons why countries will start to compete. The economic crisis of 2020 will hardly harm ordinary people.

Features of 2020

Vanga's prediction about Syria and the world situation, the future is overshadowed by three significant events. The first will be that the European countries will be weakened even before the start of the world war. From the middle of 2020, the life of Europeans will change dramatically. The second reason for the start of the military conflict is related to the beginning of 2020. The seer said that Russia would enter into a confrontation with Turkey, and then with America. The winner of the conflict will take an ambiguous position, from that moment the conclusion of secret agreements and thinking over plans will begin.

Predictions for 2020:

  • Russia will be affected by the economic crisis, which will cause riots;
  • the conflict on the territory of Ukraine will not stop;
  • the winner in the war with Syria will bring even more tension to international relations;
  • international organizations will try to influence the conflict, but they will fail to do so;
  • countries that are accustomed to stability will be forced to start fighting for resources.

Inaccurate predictions

Vanga's predictions were not always accurate. The world war, according to the seer, is the result of decisions made. The clairvoyant spoke of the reconciliation of warring peoples. Contemporaries associate this forecast with Russia and Ukraine.

Now, when the attention of the whole world is riveted on Syria, which the United States is going to bomb, they remembered and began to quote the words of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Allegedly, she once said that after Syria “falls”, tremendous upheavals will begin on our planet.The fact that the third world war will begin in the East was also predicted by other seers and astrologers. Here are the most famous predictions.
Vanga: "Syria hasn't fallen yet..."
The fact that Syria is to play an exceptional role in the history of mankind, the Bulgarian clairvoyant of the last century allegedly stated in 1978. True, Vanga, who always explained herself vaguely, spoke not about a world war, but about severe trials for the inhabitants of the planet.
Here are her words: “Mankind is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events... Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come into the world... I am asked when this will happen, soon? No, not soon. Syria hasn't fallen yet...According to the Bulgarian prophetess, after the fall of Syria and severe cataclysms, the world is supposedly waiting for the revival and the advent of a new religion: “The day will come - and all religions will disappear! Only the teachings of the White Brotherhood will remain. It will cover the Earth with white color - and thanks to it, people will be saved.
Vanga foresaw the special role of Russia in the salvation of mankind: “A new teaching will come from Rus'. She is the first to be cleansed. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Rus' and go all over the world.The interpreters of Vanga's texts believe that the prediction should be understood as follows: cataclysms in the world will begin due to religious contradictions. The world war will become a war between the Muslim East and the Christian West. It will begin after the fall of Syria and spread to the territory of Russia and Western Europe.Europe will be defeated by the Muslims. Perhaps the Pope will be killed - there is a prediction that the current pontiff is the last. The role of the liberator of Europe, as in the Second World War, will be played by Russia. After this victory, she will become a superpower and will rule the world.After the end of the war, a new religion will spread in the world and a millennium of peaceful development and spiritual rebirth will begin.According to the interpreters of Vanga's texts, in 1978 the words about Syria sounded incomprehensible, since nothing threatened this country at that time.
But this has already happened: once everyone was surprised by the words of the Bulgarian clairvoyant that "Kursk will go under water." The prophecy was remembered and understood only in 2001, when the Russian submarine Kursk sank.
Perhaps the prediction about Syria is from this series.
Nostradamus: "The war will last 27 years."The French medieval healer and astrologer Michel de Nostradamus (1503 - 1566), according to the interpreters of his predictions, also believed that at the beginning of the 21st century a terrible destructive war would take place in the world.“When the sun rises, they will see a big fire,” Nostradamus figuratively wrote. - Inside the circle, screams and death will be heard. From the sword, fire, hunger, death awaits them ... The living fire that brings death will be hidden inside terrible, frightening spheres. At night, the fleet will blow up the city ... "
According to the interpreters of his texts, Nostradamus believed that terrible events would begin in the East. True, he allegedly named Mesopotamia, the territory of modern Iraq. And he said that the dishonorable “Third Antichrist” would unleash a war, who would “exchange everyone for an adulterous woman.”In these words of Nostradamus, at one time they found a connection with US President Bill Clinton, who, as you know, fought in Iraq and had scandalous love affairs with a young intern, Monica Lewinsky. True, these events did not become a direct pretext for the start of a world war.
In his mystical poems, Nostradamus described the catastrophic consequences of the war: “Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falls on the ground ... I feel the approach of a great famine, it will often depart, but then it will become worldwide.”According to Nostradamus, the trials will be long: "A bloody war will last for twenty and seven years." And during this time, as the interpreters of the texts of Nostradamus say, climate change will allegedly occur on Earth with devastating consequences.
Biblical prophets: "Damascus will be a heap of ruins."The tragic fate of Syria and the city of Damascus, it turns out, was described by the authors of the Old Testament. So, the biblical prophet Isaiah wrote in the 17th chapter of his book: “The kingdom of Damascus will not be with the rest of Syria ... Damascus is excluded from the number of cities and will be a heap of ruins ...”. And in the 19th chapter of the same book, it is said about the civil war in Egypt and the "cruel ruler."These biblical predictions now, as it turned out, are actively quoted by American newspapers that write about the military conflict in the Middle East. Most likely, Americans believe, Old Testament events and forecasts have nothing to do with our time.
Astrologer Vasily Nemchin: "A black man will come."One of the first Russian astrologers, who lived in the 16th century, predicted that a world war would begin after a “black man” became the 44th ruler of a powerful overseas power. It was assumed that the astrologer, speaking in this way, had in mind a cruel ruler with a black soul. However, when the black Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States, this prediction took on new meaning.
Bishop Anthony: "After Syria, expect grief."The prediction about the tragic role of Syria is also attributed to our contemporary - the late Greek bishop of Sisania and Siatitza, Father Anthony.According to the disciples of Father Anthony, the holy elder allegedly said: “The grief will begin with the events in Syria. Everything will start from there... After that, expect grief in our country, grief and hunger... When events begin there, start praying, praying hard...”.
English soothsayer Joanna Southcott: "When war breaks out in the East, know that the end is near!"An extraordinary Englishwoman who lived in the 19th century uttered this phrase in 1815. It is unknown what she meant. But many of Joanna Southcott's predictions came true: this woman was able to predict the French Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon.
Astrologer Pavel Globa.According to a famous Russian astrologer, the period from 2010 to 2020 will be the most difficult in the last 70 years. All these years the global economic crisis will last, which will redraw the political map of the world and radically change the entire geopolitical balance of power.According to Globa, the problems that have now accumulated in the world community cannot be solved otherwise than by war. According to the forecast of the astrologer, 2014 will be the year when humanity will come close to the beginning of the third world war.“2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, and this is a very militant combination,” Pavel Globa explained. - I fear the beginning of a permanent war in the East. God forbid, it will be connected with Iran, then in any case we will get a real explosion of absolutely uncontrolled total terrorism.”According to the astrologer, the Arab revolutions will gradually move towards Russia and in the coming years will cover Central Asia. And the Black Moon is to blame for everything. On the day when she joined the Sun, the bombing of Libya began.

Many politicians now say that humanity is on the verge of a third world war and that the Syrian conflict could become the impetus for it. But the wise Vanga believed in the victory of good. Remember her words that after the fall of Syria, a new doctrine will come into the world. Here is Vanga's prophecy about him: “The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the Earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us, it comes whether we like it or not. The new time will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed.”

From the letters and reasoning of E. I. Roerich:As for predestination and predestination, these concepts, although they follow from the law of causes and effects, do not have an exact correspondence with our calendar numbers. The cosmic term, the actual term, does not much correspond to our established dates or dates, and therefore the time of some foreshadowed events can sometimes vary even by a whole century. It is necessary to keep in mind the free will of mankind and the enormous significance that it has in slowing down, speeding up and any other changes in predestined or predetermined events. Precisely predestined does not mean something that must necessarily happen. People think that if it is destined, then it will be so. But, in fact, what is predestined means that cosmic combinations will favor the fulfillment of certain tasks and events, but the free will of humanity can make many changes in the course of fulfillment. In the Cosmos, everything lives and moves, every moment to make its own change. Therefore, if some cause gave rise to a certain series of consequences, which can be summed up from the supermundane Worlds as one or another world event, then nevertheless the details of it and the time of its onset may undergo some fluctuations; if it were otherwise, then the whole world would be just an automaton, and no development of consciousness would be possible.”

Syria will fall: Vanga's prophecy

Syria has always seemed to me, since childhood, a magical land: Damascus blades, the lightest silk scarves, flying carpets, Aladdin's lamp. And when - for a long time - I was in Bulgaria with Vanga's relatives and friends, they told me that for some reason she mentioned Syria in her prophecies and talked about the war. Then everything was calm in Syria, it turned out that Vanga predicted the war in Syria and the changes that it would bring. I seem to understand why Vanga considered Syria the mystical key to all murders (war is an epidemic of murders), and wrote a note about it. She just came out on Life. I post it in my diary. In the photo - an old Byzantine mosaic, which tells about the first murder on Earth, it just happened in Syria. Cain kills his brother Abel. Take care of your loved ones, do not envy and do not fall into anger! And this is the text of my note:

Vanga: "The fate of the world will be decided in Syria"

Vanga left a prophecy before her death, which became a mystical key to understanding the consequences of the bloody events in Syria. She called the war in this country the starting point of global changes that will take place on Earth.
The blind Bulgarian seer turned out to be more perspicacious than world politicians, to whom mankind entrusted the fate of the world.
Back in the mid-nineties, Vanga said that it was Syria that would be at the center of events that would bring a global crisis and a new war to humanity.
Tormented by civil strife, Syria is now becoming a frontier dividing the superpowers.
The United States and other NATO members are supplying weapons and money to rebels who are trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. Russia and China support the Syrian government in an attempt to save the country from chaos.
The situation has escalated to the limit, deliveries of modern weapons to the Syrian opposition are going on, not only militants from Islamic countries, but also professional military instructors from the United States are being transferred there.
Russia is moving from diplomacy to concrete actions: the whole world is discussing the news that S-300 missile systems are being transferred to the conflict zone.

It will not be possible to crush Syria as simply as Libya, it can drag everyone into a global war. And the world will come out of this bloody whirlwind already different. Here are Vanga's prophecies about Syria - we published it in Life three years ago:
“An ancient teaching will soon come into the world. They ask me: "Will that time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet! Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will be the wrong one!”
These words of Vanga are not fiction, they were conveyed to me by the niece of the prophetess Karasimira when I was with her in Bulgaria:
- Aunt Vangelia called herself a "doctor." In Russian, this is not a liar, but a healer. People came to her with simple requests - to help cure an abscess on the body and soul, find a missing cow, return a runaway groom, and other similar cases. She helped, but bitterly said to her relatives:
“People care about their private affairs, but the fate of the world does not care at all!”
Very few were interested in Vanga's future of mankind. She spoke about the war in Syria back in the nineties, when this country was prosperous and peaceful.
Then, seventeen years ago, writing down the words of her aunt, Krasimira could not imagine that this prophecy would begin to come true before the eyes of our generation - a series of Arab revolutions and unrest in Syria threaten to split the world on Earth.

Vanga survived two world wars, and each of them was grief for her family.
Her younger brother was killed at the front, her husband was wounded. She herself was almost shot, accused of espionage.
But it was the war that gave impetus to Vanga's popularity.
“Women came to their aunt to find out if their husbands, suitors and brothers would return home,” Krasimira told me. - Vanga took a piece of sugar from them and gave an answer. Rafinade was a reward, people got used to the fact that Vanga guesses on sugar, and wore it to her even after the war. Naive - aunt knew the fate of everyone and without sweets ...
Vanga was accurate in her predictions, according to scientists, more than sixty percent came true. And the remaining forty can be attributed to the fact that the prophetess did not tell everyone about the future.
“Why grieve a man doomed to death? You can't change his fate!" Vanga said in such cases.
Prophecies about the future of the world during the life of Vanga were not heard. She bitterly confessed to her relatives: “I'm afraid of chaos in human souls. I'm afraid that evil makes its way, and good quietly recedes ...
More and more often you will meet people who have eyes but do not see, ears have but do not hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children. Everyone will look for a way to escape one by one. Some - a handful of them - will get rich, and the people will become impoverished, the further, the worse. Humanity is on its way to madness."

Why exactly after the fall of Syria, global changes await humanity, Vanga did not say. But the answer to this question can be found if you look in the Bible.
Syria in antiquity once already became a place that changed the fate of the world: here the first murder on Earth took place.
In Damascus, pilgrims are shown the place where Cain, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel. It is called the Cave of First Blood. Local theologians, both Muslim and Christian, provide evidence that the tragedy occurred here:
- Firstly, the crevice resembles a mouth with a tongue and teeth open in a scream - the mountain screamed in horror when the atrocity happened. Secondly, on the stone there is an imprint of the palm of the archangel Gabriel, whom the Lord sent to hold the rock, which was about to crush the murderer. God appointed another punishment for the villain - for forty years he carried the body of his brother with him everywhere, looking for death, but neither man nor beast dared to touch him.
Abel is buried twenty kilometers from Damascus. And now there is blood again. It turns out that the mystical circle of murders, which began in Syria back in biblical times, is now closed - here again brother turned against brother!

Many politicians now say that humanity is on the verge of a third world war and that the Syrian conflict could become the impetus for it. But the wise Vanga believed in the victory of good. Remember her words that after the fall of Syria, a new doctrine will come into the world. Here is Vanga's prophecy about him:
“The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the Earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us, it comes whether we like it or not. The new time will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed.”
God grant that the conflict in Syria becomes the last war on Earth!

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