Moscow colleges
Rule for checking the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants
The reason for the phenomenon of unpronounceable consonants is in one of the pronunciation trends: complex combinations of consonants in speech practice...
Classification of hazardous natural phenomena Names of hazardous natural phenomena
Every year, volcanic eruptions occur on our planet, earthquakes and tropical cyclones occur, forests burn, tornadoes form,...
Lesson summary
Topic: Equations and inequalities. Systems of equations and inequalities Lesson: Equations and inequalities with two variables Let's consider in general...
Crimean branch of the General Academy
Information on the competitive selection of candidates for admission in 2019 The Prosecutor's Office of the city of Sevastopol is conducting a competitive...
Trial by Fire Instructions for Mom
Military unit 54801 is the 247th Guards Air Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment, Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) of the Russian Federation. Military unit 54801 -...
An example of compassion from life
Compassion is a quality that only a real person possesses. It allows you to come to the aid of your neighbor without hesitation when...
How to explain a comma in a sentence How to explain commas in a sentence
Hello, dear webmasters! First of all, I address this article to you and myself, because webmasters have a lot of time...
Ancient states of the world: names, history and interesting facts Historical country
Today there are more than 250 countries in the world. But only 193 are members of the UN, while the rest have an unclear status. Many states...
Religion of Georgia Georgia what is the faith of religion
Georgia is extremely interesting for tourists to visit. This is a country with a rich cultural heritage. On its territory there are many shrines...
XLV Traditional Olympiad in Linguistics
The most popular competition is the game competition “Russian Bear Cub - Linguistics for Everyone”, it is held every year in November on the same day...
Easter Gospel in different languages ​​with Russian transcription Bible in English
The history of Bible translations into English falls into two periods: the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. Middle Ages. Old English period....