College of Physical Culture and Sports
Irina Valentinovna TRUKHINA is in charge of the correspondence department Sessions at the correspondence department are held 3 times a year: an orientation session in October, ...
The novel
The novel "The Master and Margarita" is divided into three different, but intertwined stories: events taking place in Moscow, including ...
Reading Experience:
The novel "The Master and Margarita" is a work that reflects philosophical, and therefore eternal themes. Love and betrayal, good and evil...
3 Army Patriotic War
The battles in the Bolkhov direction in the winter-spring of 1942 have been little studied. As a rule, fights are characterized as "senseless slaughter", etc. expressions....
China's army is the largest army in the world
The People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) is the armed forces of the People's Republic of China, the largest army in the world (2,250,000 people in actual ...
What are the pyramids of hunger and what do they represent
Pyramid of Hunger - yes, this is the hallmark of our section of the track! In addition, there are convenient exits from both the region and the capital. Early or...
List of countries by length of road network Highway NH010, China
According to Rosavtodor, the length of federal roads at the beginning of 2008 was 48.8 thousand km, which is less than 5 percent of the total ...
What is the largest meteorite that has fallen to earth?
Meteorites have hit the earth countless times. There were also those that could completely cross out the very fact of the existence of dinosaurs. But...
Monitoring the quality of university admissions
Since time immemorial, higher education has been the standard of prestige and literacy. At the same time, choosing a university is an important step in life ...
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