Paustovsky's telegram as an argument. Composition based on the story of Paustovsky “Telegram. Notches on the heart

from Paustovsky's story "Telegram"

Attitude of a person towards parents, indifference towards relatives

Very often, children forget about their parents, plunging into their worries and affairs. So, for example, in the story of K.G. Paustovsky's "Telegram" shows the daughter's attitude towards her aged mother. Katerina Petrovna lived alone in the village, while her daughter was busy with her career in Leningrad. The last time Nastya saw her mother was 3 years ago, she rarely wrote letters, she sent her 200 rubles every two or three months. This money worried little Katerina Petrovna, she reread a few lines that her daughter wrote along with the translation (that there is no time not only to come, but also to write a normal letter). Katerina Petrovna missed her daughter very much, listened to every rustle. When she became very ill, she asked her daughter to come to see her before her death, but Nastya did not have time. There were many cases, she did not take her mother's words seriously. This letter was followed by a telegram stating that her mother was dying. Only then did Nastya realize that "no one loved her as much as this decrepit, abandoned old woman." She realized too late that there had never been anyone dearer than her mother in her life and never would be. Nastya went to the village to see her mother for the last time in her life, to ask for forgiveness and say the most important words, but she did not have time. Katerina Petrovna is dead. Nastya did not even have time to say goodbye to her and left with the realization of "irreparable guilt and unbearable severity."

The problem of loneliness, indifference towards relatives
No person deserves to be alone. Even worse are situations when people become lonely who are not really alone in this world. This happened to the heroine of the story K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram" by Katerina Petrovna. In her old age, she was left completely alone, although she had a daughter. Loneliness destroyed her every day, the only thing that kept Katerina Petrovna was the expectation of a meeting with her daughter. She waited three years, but only a couple of days were not enough for her. Very often, indifference towards loved ones kills more than illness. Perhaps if Nastya was more sensitive, then the sick person would not have to die alone.

Guilt is a feeling that is familiar to any person. Guilt becomes especially terrible in cases where a person does not have the opportunity to correct the situation, as in the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". The main character Nastya showed callousness towards her mother. She did not come to her, because she was busy with her own affairs. She was not with her mother when she was ill. Nastya did not take the last letter from her mother seriously. For this reason, she did not have time to tell her mother that she loves her, she could not ask for forgiveness for not coming. Nastya realized her mistakes too late: Katerina Petrovna died. Therefore, all the words remained unsaid, and a terrible feeling of guilt remained in the soul. There are actions that cannot be corrected and there is guilt that nothing can atone for.

"Telegram" (story analysis)

Teacher's word.

The story "Telegram" was first published in the magazine "Ogonyok" No. 8 in 1946.

According to the story in the Mosfilm studio in the summer of 1957, a short film was shot by the director.

Paustovsky wrote essays, literary portraits about famous people: composer Edvard Grieg ("Basket with fir cones"), M Gorky ("Gorky's Death Day"), Dickens ("The Case with Dickens"), etc.

But he has many stories about ordinary people who leave no one indifferent.

Telegram is one of them.

Let's check if you carefully read the story "Telegram". QUIZ.

1. Where and in what month does the action take place?

(In the estate Kater. Petr. in the village of Zaborye in October-November).

2. What magazine was gathering dust on K.P.'s desk?

("Bulletin of Europe")

3. A sketch of which picture did Kramskoy give to K.P.'s father?

("Stranger in a velvet coat")

4. Which writer's funeral did you see at?

5. Who was K.P.'s father?

(Famous artist).

6. Who sent a telegram to Nastya?

(Watchman Tikhon).

7. What did Nastya work for in the Union of Artists?


8. How did the artists call her?


9. Whose "drilling" eyes looked at Nastya?

10. guessed that the telegram was not sent by the daughter?

(According to the excited state of Tikhon).

11. Who and to whom said: "... pay good for good, do not be a kestrel"?

(Tikhon Manyushka).

12. "Oh, her bitter grief, unwritten suffering!" To whom are Tikhon's words addressed?

(To Kater. Petr.)

The events in the story unfold over time.

How is it portrayed? (Sounds fragment "October" from "The Seasons".)

The landscape is described in gloomy colors

“October was extremely COLD, RAINY.. The plank roofs BLACKED.”

"Tangled grass in the garden has fallen down." (Personification)

“... It bloomed and could not bloom in any way ... only a small sunflower near the fence”

(The prefix DO - means the end of the action).

Conclusion. The autumn landscape of Paustovsky is cold and indescribable, it is the same in Tchaikovsky's music - we feel sadness, sorrow, melancholy ...

Present tense (NATURAL) SLOWLY flows for Katerina Petrovna. Due to what details does the author enhance the feeling of Katerina Petrovna's hopeless loneliness?

A). Description of the interior.

It "BECOMES EVEN MORE DIFFICULT to get up in the morning", to see "EVERYTHING'S THE SAME": rooms with the smell of "UNBURNED FURNACES", "YELLOWED cups", "LONG LONGER CLEANED SAMOVAR".

"Everything was gloomy in the rooms."

Conclusion. No events in Kater's life. Peter. does not occur (neither meeting, nor parting) ... Time is eventless, therefore it is creeping. It cannot be the main time of the story. It is used by the author as a side effect, intertwined with other

This is a time of crisis and life change.

To do this, he introduces dates, names, realities into the story ... Find it in the text.

A) On the table lay the “dusty Vestnik Evropy” (This is a monthly literary and political journal of the bourgeois-liberal direction, from 1866-1867 it was published in St. Petersburg in 4 volumes a year. He was the first editor)

B). Katerina Petrovna “Knew ONLY BY MEMORY” that the picture, faded from time to time, is “a portrait of her father”, and next to it hangs “IN A GOLDEN FRAME” a gift from Kramskoy to his father - a sketch for his “Stranger in a velvet coat” .( This is the second half of the 19th century

The word "house" has several meanings (work with the "Explanatory Dictionary")

A).:J. a residential building with all the household. (description of the estate in Zaborye),

B) people living in it (Kat. Peter, her father and Nastya),

C). dynasty, clan (obsolete) (extinction of the clan: father-Kater. Petr.-Nastya-?)

Find a description of the estate. What impression does she make? Why?

(Performance of 1 creative group).

The house was built by her father, a famous artist who returned in his old age from St. Petersburg to his native village of Zaborye. The house was "memorial, because" was under the protection of the regional museum.

There is a “squeezed sofa” in it, a stove, because of which, “deceived by silence”, a mouse ran out and sniffed the “stagnant air”.

The house was surrounded by a garden with dead trees. “The wind knocked down the last leaves.” In the depths of the garden, there is a boarded-up gate, indicating that, apparently, there have been no guests in this house for a long time.

And only the “circled, chilled” maple planted once by Katerina Petrovna, the “laughing girl”, was her own: “she planted it a long time ago”; like her, “he had nowhere to go from this homeless woman. windy night.” This tree is perceived by its mistress as a living being: they are both alone, weak.

Conclusion. Painful impression - uncomfortable, no owner.

Tell us about the owners of this estate. (Performance of the 2nd creative group).

My father was an educated man: I knew the artist Iv. Nick. Kramskoy (1837-1887). He spent one summer with his daughter in Paris, where she: saw the funeral of Victor Hugo, a famous French writer. It was in the past.

Kater now lives alone here. Petr. - an old, sick man, dressed in an old cloak (women's outerwear, a kind of round raincoat), a warm scarf on his head. She hasn't left the house for a long time. He sees badly.

At Kater. Peter. has a daughter, Nastya, “the only kindred person”, who lives far away, in Leningrad, rarely visits her mother (“last came 3 years ago”)

The “small, hunched old woman” lived only with memories of her: “in a red leather reticule” she kept “some pieces of paper”, but for some reason did not want to talk about her with the watchman Tikhon, but then “began to cry softly.” Apparently, therefore Time passes slowly for her. Mother understood that Nastya was now “not up to her, old woman. They, the young, have their own affairs, their own incomprehensible interests, their own happiness ”(The word“ Theirs ”is repeated three times - this is how the author shows alienation). "Better not interfere." Therefore, her mother rarely wrote letters, but Nastya transferred money to her mother every 2-3 months.

Expand the metaphorical meaning of the sentences:

“The kerosene night light trembled on her desk. He seemed to be the only living being in the abandoned house…”

Metaphor is a hidden comparison. Therefore, most likely, the author compares Nastya with a kerosene night light.

They (the night light and Nastya) are “the only living beings in the abandoned house”, without the “weak fire” of which (the moral support of her daughter) she “would not know how to live until the morning” (something bright in her life). After all, life now for her is "a homeless, windy night"

Indeed, except for them, no one could brighten up her loneliness. There were people next to her. And not bad: kind, hardworking, sincere. Neighbor Manyushka came running to bring water from the well, sweep the floors, put up a samovar, Tikhon, who revered her father, chopped dead trees in the garden, sawed them, chopped them for firewood. He also showed pity. But you can't call them close.

What did Katerina Petrovna lack?

Communication with the closest person, spiritual communication, because she wanted to talk "about the pictures, Petersburg life." Therefore, "the nights were ... long" for her, and "the dawn was slowing down."

Why was Nastya not next to her mother?

"A mother's heart is in children, and a child's is in stone." Maybe that's why?

Or is she a "kestrel", according to Tikhon's definition? (Kestrel is an empty, insignificant person)

A). Nastya worked as a secretary in the Union of Artists: she organized exhibitions, competitions

She received a letter from her mother at work, decided to read it after work.

Her mother's letters evoked a "sigh of relief" (she writes, which means she is alive) and a deaf anxiety (each letter is a "silent reproach").

It means that her heart has not completely turned to stone.

B). She helped the young sculptor Timofeev.

It was cold in his workshop, heated by a kerosene stove: "The wind whistled in the frames and stirred old newspapers on the floor." Rheumatism in the hands from wet clay” He complained that he was “rubbed over and not allowed to turn around.” But he was “ready to fight” for the truth.

Nastya "left him with a firm decision to snatch this talented person out of obscurity at all costs"

Then she spoke for a long time with the chairman of the Union of Artists, "got excited" (isn't this a manifestation of feelings ?!), and he agreed to arrange an exhibition of Timofeev's works.

For 2 weeks she fiddled with the arrangement of the exhibition: “she came to despair”, “offended” at the quarrelsome sculptor sculptor, but she achieved her goal “The exhibition was a success.” Nastya was “embarrassed to tears” when Pershin praised her for this.

Output Nastya sincerely cares about Timofeev, does not take offense at the whims of the sculptor. She feels needed by people, she wants to be considered an active, interesting person (Is this ego and m? ..)

So, she does not have a heart of stone? .. How does Nastya, who cares about others, show indifference to her mother? Does she stand the test of true humanity?

A). She had no time to "break out" (Timofeev's exhibition).

B). The thought of a difficult road flashed by: “crowded trains”, “transfer to a narrow-gauge railway, a shaking cart, ... unavoidable maternal tears, ... about the boredom of rural days ... "

C) Hiding the content of the telegram at work (Mother is “dying”), saying that the telegram is from a friend .. Is she ashamed of her mother? ..

So she postponed her departure.

D). Let's remember why the artists called her Solveig: "for her blond hair and big cold eyes."

(Solveig is the heroine of the drama-poem "Peer Gynt" by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906)

Cold look, soulless, stern.

Paustovsky-master of details. Find the details that emphasize that the mother of her "beloved" daughter will not wait. (Search for keywords).

- “it bloomed and could not bloom and crumble alone ... in the sun -

and to the fence. "Forgotten Stars" who looked at the earth at night (the past),

- “kerosene night light”, “tin emptiness”, “circled, chilled maple” (real),

- "cold eyes" Solveig (future?!...).

Under whose influence and how does Nastya's insight happen? (Two encounters with sculpture)

A) In the sculptor's workshop, Nastya "shuddered".

“Mockingly, knowing her through and through, a sharp-nosed, round-shouldered man looked at her” (It was a sculpture.)

“And the letter is in the purse, unopened,” Gogol’s piercing eyes seemed to say. “Oh, you, forty!” (Gogol’s grin)

b). At the exhibition, when she was too shy to say the contents of the telegram,

"... someone's gaze, heavy and piercing, Nastya felt all the time on herself."

Gogol looked at her, smiling. “It seemed to Nastya that Gogol quietly said through clenched teeth: “Oh, you!” (With contempt!)

It was after this that Nastya ran out of the exhibition into the street, crying bitterly.

She suddenly realized that “no one loved her as much as this decrepit old woman, abandoned by everyone, there, in the boring Fence.” Over the past year, for the first time, she uttered the words "mama" ("It's too late! I won't see my mother anymore.")

“How could this happen? Because I don't have anyone in my life. No, and it will not be dearer. Just to be in time ... just to forgive.

But she was late. The mother did not wait. Nastya arrived in Zaborye on the second day after the funeral. I found a fresh grave mound in the cemetery and “the cold, dark room of Katerina Petrovna, from which, it seemed, life had left a long time ago.”

She left the Zaborye stealthily, it seemed to her that “no one, except for Katerina Petrovna, could remove from her irredeemably my guilt ...”

That's what's left for Nastya. IT MEANS A LOT TO LOSE IN THE BUSINESS OF LIFE….

Reading by a student a verse by L. Tatyanicheva “The trains are late ...”

The trains are late

Springs are late

Late sometimes

Light up the stars in the sky.

To strew the pages with silver

Too late to hush.

And pay good for good

Memory is late.

The postman is late

And even - "ambulance".

And in someone's house at the table

Orphaned spoon...

Late sometimes

By time and pride.

But it's not forgivable when

Conscience is late.

.To whom do you think the telegram is addressed? What is the writer warning about?

The lyrical play Solveig by Edvard Grieg sounds.

Back house . “There is the most beautiful creature in the world, to whom we are always indebted, this is the mother.” M. Gorky.

How do you understand the meaning of this statement? (Essay-miniature).

“Argumentation. Attracting literary material” is one of the main criteria for evaluating the final essay. Competently using literary sources, the student demonstrates his erudition and deep understanding of the problem. At the same time, it is important not only to give a link to the work, but also to skillfully include it in the discussion by analyzing specific episodes that correspond to the chosen topic. How to do it? We offer you, as an example, arguments from the literature in the direction of "Indifference and responsiveness" from 10 well-known works.

  1. The heroine of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova is a person with a sensitive heart. Thanks to her intervention, the carts, which were originally intended for moving and loaded with things, were given over to transport wounded soldiers. Another example of a caring attitude towards the world and people is Platon Karataev. He goes to war, helping out his younger brother, and although he does not like the fight at all, even in such conditions the hero remains kind and sympathetic. Plato “loved and lived lovingly with everything that life brought him to”, helped other prisoners (in particular, fed Pierre when he was captured), took care of a stray dog.
  2. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", many heroes manifest themselves as pronounced altruists or egoists. The first, of course, is Sonechka Marmeladova, who sacrifices herself to provide for her family, and then goes into exile after Raskolnikov, trying to save his soul. We must not forget about Razumikhin: he is poor and lives hardly better than Raskolnikov, but he is always ready to help him - he offers a friend a job, buys him clothes, gives him money. In contrast to these noble people, for example, the image of Luzhin is presented. Luzhin "more than anything in the world loved and valued ... his money"; he wanted to marry Raskolnikov's sister Dunya, pursuing a base goal - to take a poor wife who would be eternally obliged to him. It is noteworthy that he does not even bother to ensure that the future bride and her mother get to St. Petersburg comfortably. Indifference to the fate of the closest people results in the same attitude towards the world and characterizes the hero from the negative side. As we know, fate paid tribute to sympathetic characters, but punished indifferent characters.
  3. The type of a person who lives for himself is drawn by I.A. Bunin in the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco". The hero - a wealthy gentleman whose name we will never know - goes on a journey "solely for fun." He spends time in a circle of his own kind, and divides other people into attendants and an annoying "hindrance" to his pleasure - such, for example, are commission agents and ragamuffins on the embankment, as well as inhabitants of miserable houses, which the gentleman from San Francisco has to contemplate along the way . However, after a sudden death, he himself, from a supposedly respected and revered person, becomes a burden, and the same people in whose devotion he believed, because "he was generous", send his corpse to his homeland in a soda box. With this crude irony, I.A. Bunin illustrates the well-known folk wisdom: as it comes around, it will respond.
  4. An example of selflessness is the hero of the collection of stories M.A. Bulgakov "Notes of a young doctor". A young doctor by the name of Bomgard, who recently graduated from the university, goes to work in a rural hospital, where he encounters harsh living conditions, human ignorance, terrible diseases, and, finally, death itself. But against all odds, he fights for every patient; goes out to the sick both day and night, not sparing himself; constantly learning and improving his skills. It is significant that Bomgard is not a heroic person, he is often unsure of himself and, like everyone else, is afraid, but at the decisive moment a sense of professional duty wins over everything else.
  5. The indifference of people to each other is especially terrible when, like a virus, it covers the whole society. Such a situation developed in the story of V.P. Astafiev "Lyudochka". It contrasts the life path of the heroine and the attitude towards her from others, from the family to society as a whole. Lyudochka is a village girl who moves to the city in search of a better life. She works hard at work, resignedly takes care of the housework instead of the woman from whom she rents an apartment, endures the rudeness of the “youth” around her, consoles the dying in the hospital until the last minute ... She is too unlike the stupid, spoiled herd of people, surrounded by which she is forced to be, And this time after time leads her to trouble. Alas, no one, not even her own mother, extended a helping hand to her at the right time, and the girl committed suicide. The saddest thing is that for society this situation is in the order of things, which is reflected in the dry, but terrible statistics.
  6. The image of a kind-hearted, sympathetic person is the key in the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor". The fate of Matryona cannot be called enviable: she was a widow, buried six children, worked for many years on a collective farm “for the sticks of workdays”, did not receive a pension and remained poor in old age. Despite this, the heroine retained a cheerful disposition, sociability, love of work and a willingness to help others, without demanding anything in return. The apogee of her self-sacrifice is a tragic incident on the railway, which ends with the death of the heroine. Surprisingly, her face, untouched by the terrible accident, was “whole, calm, more alive than dead” - just like the face of a saint.
  7. In the story "Gooseberry" A.P. Chekhov, we meet a hero obsessed with a base material goal. Such is the narrator's brother, Nikolai Chimsha-Himalayan, who dreams of buying an estate, and certainly with gooseberry bushes. For this, he stops at nothing: he lives stingily, is greedy, marries an old rich widow and torments her with hunger. He is indifferent to people, so he is ready to sacrifice their interests for his own. Finally, his dream comes true, he feels happy and does not notice that the gooseberries are sour - to such an extent he has renounced real life. This terrifies the narrator, he turns to the “happy person” with a fiery speech, urging him to remember “that there are unfortunate people, that no matter how happy he is ... trouble will strike ... and no one will see or hear him, as now he does not see and does not hears others. The narrator discovered that the meaning of life is not in personal happiness, "but in something more reasonable and great." "Do good!" - this is how he ends his speech, hoping that young people who still have the strength and the opportunity to change something will not follow the path of his brother and become sympathetic people.
  8. It is not easy for a person with an open and sympathetic soul to live in the world. So it happened with the Chudik from the story of the same name by V.M. Shukshin. As an adult male, the hero thinks and behaves like a child. He reaches out to people, likes to talk and joke, strives to be on good terms with everyone, but he constantly gets into trouble due to the fact that he does not look like a “correct adult”. Let's remember one episode: on the plane, Chudik asks his neighbor to buckle up, as the stewardess ordered; he takes his words with obvious displeasure. The landing is not entirely successful: Chudik's neighbor falls from his chair, so much so that he loses his dentures. The weirdo rushes to his aid - but in response he again receives a portion of irritation and anger. And this is how everyone treats him, from strangers to family members. The responsiveness of the Freak and the unwillingness of society to understand someone who does not fit into the framework are two sides of the same problem.
  9. The story of K.G. is devoted to the topic of indifference to one's neighbor. Paustovsky "Telegram". Girl Nastya, secretary of the Union of Artists, gives all her strength to work. She fusses about the fate of painters and sculptors, organizes exhibitions and competitions, and does not find time to see her old sick mother who lives in the village. Finally, having received a telegram stating that her mother is dying, Nastya sets off, but too late ... The author warns readers against making the same mistake, the guilt for which will probably remain with the heroine for life.
  10. Manifestations of altruism in wartime are of particular importance, since it is often a question of life and death. The novel Schindler's Ark by T. Kenilli is a story about a German businessman and NSDAP member Oskar Schindler, who during the Holocaust organizes production and recruits Jews, thereby saving them from extermination. This requires a lot of effort from Schindler: he has to keep in touch with the right people, go for bribery, forge documents, but the result - more than a thousand lives saved and the eternal gratitude of these people and their descendants - is the main reward for the hero. Strengthening the impression of this selfless act is the fact that the novel is based on real events.
  11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

The classic of Russian literature K. G. Paustovsky is famous not only in his homeland, but throughout the world as a wonderful master of the word. His prose is striking in its brilliance and accuracy of words. Each work of the writer shows love and attention to the beauty of nature, to people who feel and understand the music of the surrounding world.

Avoiding everyday impressions and words, Paustovsky notices something touching and unusual in the surrounding landscape. And in the same way, the writer, without touching on the biography of the characters, turns to the life of feelings, depicts the dialectic of their soul, selecting those little things that will help the reader see a person, feel and capture the source of his experiences.

The art of seeing the world

A tireless romantic, subtly feeling the world around him, Paustovsky, with enthusiasm and poetry, paints picturesque pictures of nature - exciting, luxurious, full of majesty and splendor. A person who hears the music of rain, the whisper of the surf, feels the gentle splashes of water and the breath of flowering earth, also sensitively hears the slightest vibrations of the human soul.

The love with which Paustovsky treated the world around him and the people around him permeated his works. The warmth and beauty of the writer's language, the depth and figurativeness of the narrative from the writer's heart went to the reader's heart and touched those strings of the soul, the existence of which the reader had no idea before meeting Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky.

The story of one photo

A real story that happened in 1964 is connected with the Telegram by Konstantin Paustovsky. A popular singer and actress came to Moscow on tour. She wrote that at the Moscow airport she immediately asked the journalists who met her about Paustovsky. When Marlene drove up to the hotel, she already knew that the writer was in the hospital. G. Arbuzova, stepdaughter of Konstantin Georgievich, said in an interview that Paustovsky wanted to attend a concert by Marlene Dietrich, but at that time he was very ill. And so, accompanied by his doctor V. A. Konevsky, the writer went to where she performed.

After the concert, the film legend answered questions. And when Marlene was asked what her favorite writer was, she replied that she loved Paustovsky. The translator Nora approached her and said that the writer was in the hall. Marlene stood and peered into the audience, expecting him to come up onto the stage. But, being a very shy person, Konstantin Georgievich did not get up. And when the audience began to applaud, encouraging him, Paustovsky went on stage. Marlene, without saying a word, knelt before the writer and pressed his hand to her tear-filled face.

The evening dress of the actress, embroidered with stones, was so narrow that the threads began to burst, and the stones rained down on the stage. Everyone froze for a moment. The inaccessible goddess kneels and kisses the hands of a Soviet writer. Then the huge hall rose slowly and uncertainly, timid solitary claps were heard in the silence, and then a real storm began - a flurry of applause. When Marlene was helped to rise from her knees, she quietly said that Paustovsky's story "Telegram" shocked her. And since then, she considered it her duty to kiss the hand of the writer who wrote it.

Characters of the story "Telegram"

Konstantin Georgievich recalled that he created many things in the region, including the story "Telegram". Paustovsky did not indicate the date of writing, but the story was first published in the eighth issue of the Ogonyok magazine in 1946. The plot of the story is simple: without waiting for the arrival of her daughter, the old woman dies. The daughter, who received a telegram about her mother's illness, gets to a distant Ryazan village only the next day after the funeral.

The characters in this story are two groups: the inhabitants of the village of Zaborya and Nastya's entourage. Katerina Petrovna, the daughter of a famous artist, lives after his death in the village of Zaborye in a house built by him. The first group also includes her fellow villagers: the neighbor's daughter Manyushka, the postman Vasily, the watchman Tikhon and the old people who buried Katerina Petrovna.

The second group of people is concentrated around Nastya, the daughter of Katerina Petrovna, who left for Leningrad many years ago. This group of heroes of Paustovsky's "Telegram" can include the sculptor Timofeev, whose exhibition Nastya is engaged in, and his more successful colleague Pershin, and the old master, alarmed by the telegram that Nastya received.

Speaking about the work of Paustovsky, one must bear in mind that his works carry a special semantic load. Also, the characters, whom the writer seemed to mention in passing, actually play an important role - they reveal the moral problems that worried the author. A brief summary of Paustovsky's story "Telegram" and the analysis presented below will help to partially understand them. In parallel, we will consider both the details that emphasize the topic and the problems raised by the author.

Katerina Petrovna

There were bluish cloudy days in October, this year it was unusually rainy. Katerina Petrovna found it increasingly difficult to get up in the morning. She lived out her days in the old memorial house built by her father. After his death, the house was protected by the regional museum. Pictures hung on the walls, in which nothing could be made out: perhaps they had faded from time to time, or perhaps Katerina Petrovna's eyes had become hard to see.

The story "Telegram" by Paustovsky begins with a description of gloomy autumn weather, and a small detail stands out against its background - a sunflower near the fence. The autumn landscape seems to convey the state of Katerina Petrovna, and the sunflower emphasizes lonely old age.

The last occupant of the house looked at Vestnik Evropy gathering dust on the shelves and thought that there was no one in Zaborye to talk to about pictures, about Paris. Not to talk about this with Manyusha, the neighbor's daughter. Every day she ran to bring water, then sweep the floors. Katerina Petrovna gave the girl ostrich feathers, old gloves and a hat, to which Manyusha replied that she would sell them for scrap.

Another important detail that K. G. Paustovsky pays attention to in the “Telegram” is the memorabilia that the old woman gave. She didn’t give away as unnecessary, but gave things dear to her, which became a part of Katerina Petrovna’s life, things that, as it turned out, no one but her needed.

And in the cruel loneliness

Sometimes an old watchman came in, who still remembered Katerina Petrovna's father. He cleaned dead trees in the garden, sawed and chopped firewood. And he always asked if Nastya wrote. Without waiting for an answer, he left, and Katerina Petrovna began to cry. And only the kerosene night light seemed to be the only living thing in the old house.

This small detail emphasizes the loneliness of the heroine of the Telegram. Paustovsky strengthens the problem, showing the immensity of her loneliness, with the words "without weak fire." The old woman was so lonely that even the light of a night lamp helped her, otherwise Katerina Petrovna did not know how to live until morning.

Mother did not receive letters from Nastya, but the postman Vasily brought money transfers from her daughter, which informed that Nastya was very busy, there was no time even for a letter. One night someone knocked on a gate that had been boarded up for several years. The old woman went out to see who was knocking, but there was no one there.

And Paustovsky again emphasizes the theme of loneliness in the Telegram - a gate that has not been opened for several years.

Katerina Petrovna stopped on her way back near a maple tree, which she planted as a young girl. He stood yellowed and chilled, and there was nowhere to go from the shelterless windy night. She took pity on him and went home.

On the same night, she wrote a letter to her beloved daughter and asked her to come at least for a day. She said that she was very ill and would like to see her before her death. Manyusha took the letter to the post office and pushed it into the box for a long time, as if looking inside. But there is only a tin void.

It seems that what is unusual about the fact that the mail tin box is empty? But K. G. Paustovsky in the “Telegram” puts a meaning into every detail: emptiness is the soullessness of his daughter.

Daughter Nastya

Another heroine of Paustovsky's story "Telegram" is Nastya. She left Zaborye many years ago. She lived in Leningrad and worked in the Union of Artists. I was engaged in the organization of competitions and exhibitions, which took a lot of time. Even here is a letter from the mother and then there is no time to read. "Writes, so she's alive," Nastya thought. She hid the letter in her purse without reading it and went to the workshop of the sculptor Timofeev.

An analysis of Paustovsky's "Telegram" shows that the author raises serious moral problems: the disunity of close people, their distance and unwillingness to show feelings. For three years, Nastya did not see her mother, who never bothered with reproaches and complaints. And, having received news from the dearest and closest person, she hid the letter without reading it. With these words, the writer emphasized the indifference and callousness of the heroine.

A dank autumn wind also got into the studio of Timofeev, who talked about how warm it was in the studio of his colleague Pershin. Timofeev complained of cold and rheumatism. Nastya promised to help him and asked the artist to show her Gogol. Timofeev went up to the sculpture of the great writer and pulled off the fabric from it. Nastya shuddered. A round-shouldered man looked at her mockingly, and she saw a sclerotic vein beating on his temple.

Why did Paustovsky choose Gogol's sculpture? As you know, the great satirist had an amazing ability to guess a person. What did Paustovsky mean by this? Analysis of the "Telegram" shows that in the story the author also raises the topic of the impact of art on a person. It seemed to Nastya that Gogol was looking at her mockingly, as if he had discerned her ostentatious kindness and callous soul. Nastya immediately reproaches herself that the letter is in her purse unopened.


For two weeks Nastya worked on organizing the exhibition. On the opening day, well-known artists and sculptors came to discuss and praise Timofeev's work. The courier Dasha entered and handed over a telegram, the meaning of which did not reach Nastya immediately. At first, she thought that it was not for her, but the return address, where the word "Fence" was written, dispelled her doubts. Nastya frowned, crumpled the telegram, and listened to Pershin's speech, who showered thanks to her, noting that in the person of Anastasia Semyonovna, caring for a person had become a reality.

In Paustovsky's story "Telegram", Nastya's indifference and responsiveness stand side by side. Responsive to strangers, she reacted indifferently to her mother's letter. And it would seem, having received a telegram that the closest and dearest person is dying, she had to run to her mother as fast as she could in order to have time to see, hear and hug her at least once more. But Nastya crumpled up the telegram. In a nutshell, while care was rushing from the pulpit, the author expressed the cruelty, hypocrisy, indifference of his daughter.

The old artist, preoccupied with Nastya's thoughtful appearance, came up, touched her hand and asked if the telegram had alarmed her so much. Nastya said that the telegram was from a friend, nothing terrible happened, but all evening she felt a piercing and heavy look on herself. Who could it be? Nastya raised her eyes: Gogol was looking at her, smiling.

The work “Telegram” Paustovsky continues with the words from Katerina Petrovna’s letter: “My beloved,” mother addressed Nastya. Nastya sat down on a bench and cried. She realized that no one had ever loved her like her mother. That same evening, Nastya left for Zaborye.


Tikhon went to the post office, whispered something to Vasily, carefully scribbled something on a telegraph form, and trudged over to Katerina Petrovna. She did not get up for the tenth day. Manyusha did not leave her for the sixth day and calmed down only when Katerina Petrovna stirred under the covers. Tikhon came in, said that it was getting colder outside, the road would be beaten with frost, and now it would be more convenient for Nastya to get there, and in an uncertain voice he read the telegram, which he himself had brought.

Katerina Petrovna turned her back to the wall. Tikhon sat and sighed in the hallway until Manyusha called him into the old woman's room. She lay pale and small. “I didn’t wait,” Tikhon sighed and left. The next day, the old people and the guys buried Katerina Petrovna.

Here the heroine appears in Paustovsky's Telegram, a young teacher, to whom he devoted only a few lines. In them, a complete stranger pays tribute to the woman-mother.

The young teacher had the same old gray-haired mother left in the county town. The teacher sighed and slowly walked behind the coffin, asking people if the deceased was lonely? To which she was told that Katerina Petrovna had a daughter in Leningrad. But, apparently, she flew so high that she could not get out to her mother's funeral. The teacher went up to the coffin, kissed Katerina Petrovna's hand, and listened for a long time to the old people talking behind her back.

Nastya arrived in the village after the funeral and found only a grave mound. She examined her mother's room, from which life seemed to have left a long time ago and, stealthily so that no one would see her, left the Fence. And no one, except Katerina Petrovna, could remove the unbearable burden from her soul.

Between the lines

In the story of Konstantin Paustovsky "Telegram" between the lines you can read a lot about the family living in the old house. Katerina Petrovna lives among the paintings of her father and his friends. Kramskoy himself was his friend, the sketch for his painting occupies a place of honor in the house. The magazine Vestnik Evropy was read by both Katerina Petrovna and her father. It published the works of Russian writers Solovyov, Ostrovsky, Turgenev, Goncharov. The inhabitants of the house grew up on this classical literature.

Katerina Petrovna was with her father in Paris in the summer of 1885, it was then that Victor Hugo died, at whose funeral she was. She was buried next to her father. None of those present remembered that she was the daughter of a famous artist. Is it because the villagers, who provided Katerina Petrovna with all possible assistance, did not understand the significance and value of the paintings hanging on the walls of her house?

Thus, fleetingly, Paustovsky showed the huge spiritual abyss between the intelligentsia and the peasantry of Russia. Obviously, the artist's contribution to Russian art was great, since the house was a memorial. Why did Paustovsky write this word in quotation marks in the Telegram? Indifference and responsiveness stand side by side here too. On the one hand - the indifference of the state, under whose protection the house was, and hence the paintings, faded and forgotten. On the other hand, the responsiveness of a simple watchman. Out of pity, Tikhon helped Katerina Petrovna with the housework. And he was the only one who remembered the artist and probably did not realize the true value of the paintings, but looked at them with reverence and sighed: “The work is natural!”

Notches on the heart

In "Golden Rose" the author wrote the story of the creation of the story "Telegram". Paustovsky did not specify the date of writing, but told a touching story on the basis of which he created his masterpiece. The chapter "Notches on the Heart" introduces the prototypes of this story. At one time, Paustovsky lived near Ryazan, in the estate of the once famous engraver Pozhalostin. The only daughter of the mistress of the house forgot about her mother, and sent only translations from Leningrad.

In the evenings the writer went to have tea with Katerina Ivanovna. The hostess of the estate saw badly, and two or three times a day, the neighbor's girl Nyurka ran to her. Katerina Ivanovna once lived in Paris, knew Turgenev and attended Hugo's funeral. She gave Paustovsky a bunch of yellow letters left over from her father to read.

Paustovsky writes that he sent the telegram to Nastya, announcing the death of her mother. Nyurka gave the writer an envelope in which Katerina Ivanovna wrote what to bury her in. Paustovsky saw the hostess of the estate already tidied up - she was lying in a golden ball gown with a train, in black suede shoes. Nastya arrived three days after the funeral.

In his autobiography, Paustovsky told that two brothers died in the war. The writer left only a half-blind sister. Was it her helpless appearance that formed the basis of the characterization of the main character of the story? It seems that not only the image of Pozhalostin's daughter was reflected in the heroine of the novel. But also other images of close people, dear to the author's heart, whom he portrayed with such love, longing and sincere regret.

Until it's not too late

What is the genre of Paustovsky's Telegram? on several pages of which the author raises important issues: loneliness, maternal love, the problem of fathers and children. Compositionally, the story is divided into three parts, one of which tells about the mother, the second about the daughter, and in the third there is a tragic denouement.

A half-blind old woman lives among her memories. Only they stayed with her, even her own daughter Katerina Petrovna is not needed.

Nastya, a young woman, is busy with her career - she enthusiastically helps young artists, organizes exhibitions. She has no time to deal with her mother's problems. Did you write a letter? So, she's alive. Why go anywhere? Lose precious time? To look at the paintings infested with flies? Listen to stories heard more than once? Boring. Will succeed. Then.

The work of Paustovsky "Telegram" in the genre of the story reminds that everything needs to be done on time. Take care of loved ones and relatives, speak words of love to them, spend more time with them. Do we always know the price of our peace and happiness, paid for by the mother's self-forgetfulness? An old word that has practically gone out of everyday speech, characterizes true maternal love in the best possible way. Self-forgetfulness - forget yourself for the sake of the child.

Do we always remember our mother? For the hustle and bustle of life, the lack of time, the pursuit of a career, you can be late. As it happened with the heroine of the story Nastya. As the analysis of Paustovsky's Telegram showed, Katerina Petrovna's daughter was not a completely soulless person. She cared about her colleagues, but for the only person, the closest and dearest, who did not demand anything from her, did not express dissatisfaction, but simply wanted a little warmth and attention, she did not find time.

Story title

Why is Paustovsky's story "Telegram" so named? Reviews of readers, deeply touched by this story, agree on one thing - this is a telegram to us, readers, informing us that life is fleeting, and we must protect and appreciate our loved ones.

There are two telegrams in the story. The real one was sent by the watchman Nastya to Leningrad. Another telegram was invented by the same Tikhon. He invented it in order to plant hope in the heart of a dying mother. Katerina Petrovna guessed, but thanked the watchman for his kindness and kindness.

But it is a mistake to assume that the title is a reflection of two telegrams. The word master Paustovsky weighed every word. And, in the light of the construction of a socialist state, calling to think first about the Motherland, and then about the family, the writer with his "Telegram" reminds - do not forget your loved ones.

Essay on text

“Indifference is a paralysis of the soul,” wrote the famous Russian writer A.P. Chekhov. Indeed, spiritual callousness is sometimes more painful than anger, hatred, cruelty.

Before me is a fragment from the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram", in which, in my opinion, the author also raises the problem of people's indifference to each other.

The author reveals it on the example of the relationship between Nastya and her mother - Katerina Ivanovna. The writer draws the reader's attention to the fact that the old mother loves her daughter and dreams of petting her for the last time. But the author notes with bitterness that Nastya left the person closest to her (“How Katerina Ivanovna lived ... no one knows”). K.G. Paustovsky, condemns Nastya's behavior, and therefore does not indicate the reasons why she does not visit her mother. And the landscape description of the autumn garden creates a symbolic image of a cold and dark world in which the light of human love has died out. Bitterness and regret are heard in the words of the narrator: “I carefully led her home and thought: how happy I would be if I had such a mother!” Depicting the warm attitude of the hero-narrator to Katerina Ivanovna, the author emphasizes at the end of the text that living, loving parents are happiness!

It is impossible not to agree with the opinion of the writer. We should be kinder and more attentive to each other, respond to someone else's pain and misfortune, take care of our loved ones and relatives. Whatever the parents, children should not leave them in trouble. Russian literature has repeatedly addressed this problem.

Princess Marya Bolkonskaya from L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" loves, respects his father and takes care of him until his death, although the old prince has a bad temper. He can say a taunt to his daughter, does not always trust her, threatens to read a friend's letter, imposes on her the study of mathematics so unloved by her. But more important for the daughter is the father's love for her, and not these particular manifestations of her, which she is ready to forgive.

But another daughter - the heroine of the story "The Stationmaster" A.S. Pushkin - it was lucky to have a soft-hearted and gentle father. However, her fatal passion for the hussar makes her commit cruelty - she secretly runs away from home without receiving the blessing of her parent and without telling him anything about herself. The father, distraught with grief, becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies, and the daughter appears only on his grave.

Reading the sad lines of K.G. Paustovsky, you begin to think about how important it is not to repeat the mistakes of Katerina Ivanovna’s daughter yourself, about the need to always, no matter what, find time for your parents, give them your love and attention, and also about the fact that you can’t pass past someone else's misfortune. Attention, sympathy, compassion - that's what can save us, people, from the cold of the soul.

Text by K.G. Paustovsky:

(1) Katerina Ivanovna never complained about anything, except for senile weakness.

(2) But I knew from a neighbor and from the stupid kind old man Ivan Dmitriev, the watchman at the fire shed, that Katerina Ivanovna was alone in the world. Katerina Ivanovna has a few. (4) An hour is not even, and she will die without seeing her daughter, without caressing her, without stroking her blond hair of “charming beauty” (as Katerina Ivanovna spoke of them).

(5) Nastya sent money to Katerina Ivanovna, but even that happened intermittently. (6) No one knows how Katerina Ivanovna lived during these breaks.

(7) Once Katerina Ivanovna asked me to take her to the garden, where she had not been since early spring, weakness did not let her.
(8) - My dear, - said Katerina Ivanovna, - you won’t exact from me, from the old one.

(9) I want to remember the past, finally see the garden. (10) In it, as a girl, I read Turgenev. (11) Yes, and I planted some trees myself.

(12) She dressed for a very long time. (13) She put on an old warm cloak, a warm scarf and, holding tightly to my hand, slowly descended from the porch.

(14) It was already evening. (15) The garden flew around. (16) Fallen leaves prevented walking. (17) They crackled loudly and moved underfoot, a star lit up in the green dawn. (18) Far above the forest hung the sickle of the month.
(19) Katerina Ivanovna stopped near a weather-beaten linden tree, leaned her hand on it and cried.

(20) I held her tightly so that she would not fall. (21) She cried like very old people, not ashamed of her tears.

(22) - God forbid you, my dear, - she told me, - to live to such a lonely old age! (23) God forbid!

(24) I carefully led her home and thought: how happy I would be if I had such a mother!

(According to K.G. Paustovsky)

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