Increasing the vibrations of the earth. Has Earth Frequency Change Happened Or Are We Being Deceived? Earth Vibration Frequency October

In the middle of the last century, Professor at the Technical University of Munich Winfred Otto Schumann (Winfried Otto Schumann) found that the Earth and its ionosphere form a giant resonator, where ultra-low frequency waves propagate, which can easily go around the Earth many times. For 60 years, after numerous studies and rechecks, the Earth's frequency of 7.83 Hz was accurately determined. Since then, in science, this frequency is called the Schumann resonance frequency.

The formation of standing waves in such a resonator was subsequently called the Schumann resonance. We must pay tribute to the fact that the Schumann resonance became known under this name indeed according to the Munich scientist Schumann, but for the first time the effect of standing waves was discovered and analyzed by Nikola Tesla, and only after more than five decades this effect was studied in detail and later became known as the "Schumann Resonance ".

Science for many years could not explain, thanks to what energy psychics move objects with the power of thought, healers heal people.
An explanation for the mysterious source of powerful energy was found after the nuclear physicist Robert Becker, measuring the brain waves of psychics during remote exposure sessions, found that these waves coincide with Schumann's waves.

In addition, the waves of the right and left hemispheres of the brain at such moments are equal in frequency and opposite in amplitude, which leads to the formation of standing waves, a characteristic feature of which is that in a standing wave, one type of energy is converted into another.
Standing brain waves are able to interact with Schumann waves.

Dr. Robert Becker has measured the brainwaves of many of the world's healers during their healing sessions. He found that they all have the same frequencies - 7-8 Hz, regardless of their religious and spiritual traditions, and are synchronized with Schumann waves both in frequency and in phase.
The Schumann wavelength is approximately 38,000 km, which corresponds to the circumference of the Earth. Also, each lightning forms oscillations with a frequency of 7.83 Hz.
The Schumann wave, propagating at the speed of light, goes around the planet 8 times in a second.

Thus, cyclones and frontal sections generate electromagnetic waves in this range. They, propagating inside the global resonator Earth-ionosphere, serve as storm harbingers for many representatives of the biosphere.

The forebrain is a part of the brain, consisting of the subcortex and the cerebral cortex. The subcortex of the forebrain includes the diencephalon with the thalamus and hypothalamus, and the basal ganglia. Dr. Ulrich Warnke describes that the frequencies of the thalamus vary around 7.8 Hz.
In the thalamus is the so-called training center Hippokampus.
It functions best at 7.83 Hz.

It also became known that this rhythm always dominates in children, but in adults only during deep discharge, in sleep and during professional meditation. Perhaps this explains why children learn better than adults. The so-called phenomenon of indigo children lies precisely in this phenomenon, and not at all in the color of their aura.

Back in the 50s of the 20th century, it was proved that the intensity of the Schumann resonance directly affects the higher nervous activity of a person, as well as his intellectual abilities.
Thanks to the resonance of the Schumann waves, which are of natural origin, and the standing waves of the brain, psychics gain access to colossal natural energy, with the help of which they have an impact, including on material objects.
An ordinary person who does not have supernatural abilities can get access to this colossal energy. This requires that the hemispheres of the brain work in a synchronous rhythm.
Our words and thoughts materialize - in the case of the formation of a resonance of standing waves of the brain and standing waves of the surrounding space.
The result of such a resonance is the transformation of energy from one type to another: the energy of words and thoughts is transformed into specific events.

At the same time, an ordinary person has the opportunity to:
purposefully build the future development of events in your life;
correct the possible negative consequences of events that have not yet occurred, but, with a high degree of probability, may occur;
harmonize different areas of your life.

The fact that thought and word are material has been experimentally confirmed by science more than once.
At the end of the last century, the scientific world was excited by the results of the experiments of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, who clearly proved that water changes its structure under the influence of our thoughts, emotions, words. In other words, water has a "memory".
According to the scientist, the universe is based on a single vibrational frequency that can transfer our emotions to all surrounding objects, including water.

An illustrative vivid example of the impact of the Word is the experiment of a group of Russian scientists, which is described in an interview with Academician P. Garyaev to the publication NRS (“New Russian Word”). The essence of the experiment is as follows:
The researchers exposed 10,000 X-rays to plant grains. With such a huge dose of radiation in seeds, even chromosomes are destroyed.
Then, the grains were divided into two groups.
The first group was treated with a certain spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, which was “superimposed” with an acoustic signal in the form of a human voice, asking the seeds to restore their original natural properties.
The second group was exposed to the same spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, but a set of random words that were not interconnected was used as an acoustic signal.
As a result, the seeds of the first group completely restored their properties, while the seeds of the second group died irretrievably. Experiments were carried out repeatedly, and their result confirmed the significance of the directed power of the Word.

The experiments of Masaru Emoto and P. Garyaev convincingly prove that the "Word" is not just a sound expression of a certain subject of thought, it is a certain amount of energy, due to which the effect is observed.
And now let's take a closer look at what frequencies are familiar and "working" for our brain. And can all people “see” feel beyond the usual, i.e. receive information from those layers that are around the Earth in particular. And if so, what is needed for this, and how real is it for a normal and completely ordinary person related to "reality".

At the moment, in official medicine, it is customary to distinguish five main frequency ranges of the brain:
- delta range (0.5Hz-4Hz) - deep sleep phase;
- theta range (4Hz-8Hz) - phase of REM sleep, semi-sleep;
- alpha range (8Hz-13Hz) - relaxation;
- beta range (13Hz-45Hz) - active wakefulness;
- gamma range (45Hz-60Hz) - an altered state of consciousness (it is considered difficult to achieve, little studied).

Delta waves are the slowest oscillations in the brain. They usually predominate when we are either asleep or unconscious, but some may be in the delta range and in the conscious state. Brain stimulation in the delta range allows you to get rid of insomnia, increase the professional abilities of psychologists and psychotherapists to adjust to patients, provide deep rest and completely neutralize the effect of "burnout".

Theta waves - usually dominate when a person is in a state between sleep and wakefulness, i.e. in the predream or "twilight" state. It is often accompanied by visions of unexpected, dream-like images and opens access to the unconscious part of the mind. Brain training in the theta range significantly increases the creative abilities of a person, his ability to learn. The need for alcohol and drugs is also significantly reduced.

It is no secret that today on Earth many more people are born who are able to capture, see and do what our grandfathers and grandmothers could not yet.
Theta wave is a single two-phase oscillation of a potential difference with a duration of 130-250 ms, having a shape approaching a sinusoidal one.
Theta rhythm - rhythmic potential fluctuations:
- with a frequency within 4-8 Hz;
- with an amplitude of 10-200 μV;
- sometimes - modulated in the spindles (in the frontal areas of the brain).
At an amplitude of 25–35 μV, the theta rhythm is included as a component in the normal EEG.

Alpha waves are characteristic of a state of shallow relaxation. In people with a reduced level of activity of alpha rhythms, the ability to fully rest is usually impaired, which is usually caused by severe stress. Therefore, stimulation in the alpha range is recommended to help in overcoming stressful conditions.

Beta waves - dominate in the usual waking state, when we observe the world around us with open eyes, or are focused on solving some current problems. Beta waves are usually associated with wakefulness, wakefulness, concentration, cognition, and when they are in excess, with anxiety, fear and panic. A lack of beta waves is associated with depression, poor selective attention, and memory problems. Brain stimulation in the beta range allows you to get rid of depressive states, increase the level of awareness, attention and short-term memory.
The beta rhythm corresponds to the activity of the left hemisphere, that is, critical evaluation and abstract thinking.
Beta rhythm - rhythmic potential fluctuations:
- with a frequency within 13-35 Hz;
- with an amplitude of 10-15 μV and above.
Beta rhythm:
- better expressed in the fronto-central areas of the brain;
- increases (in these areas) in amplitude and frequency during physical and mental work and emotional stress;
- blocked by contralateral movements of the limbs or tactile stimulation.
In clinical practice, there are:
- beta low-frequency rhythm (beta-1 rhythm) from 13 to 25 Hz; and
- high-frequency beta rhythm (beta-2 rhythm) from 25 to 35 Hz.
Gamma rhythm - rhythmic potential fluctuations:
- with a frequency of 25-35 Hz;
- with amplitude up to 25 μV.
Usually the gamma rhythm is masked by slower waves.
And the fact that the brain generates coarse high-frequency waves, such as beta or gamma waves, means that the essence of our consciousness - our deep consciousness - is distorted when projected. This can be compared to a curved mirror that reflects objects in an extremely distorted way. Therefore, we will be able to achieve our goal and experience true joy when we learn to project the essence of our consciousness onto this world without distortion, in other words, when we can generate delta waves or bring the frequencies of our brain waves closer to the state of cessation of habitually active brain activity.
If we express this idea quite primitively and simply, then when a person is in a calm state (the state of the mental Moon (see articles on the mental and astral levels of the Moon), i.e. the frequencies of his brain waves are in a certain mode in which his brain enters with certain frequencies of the Infofield - a person receives the most correct decisions for him, the most correct and necessary ideas are found.
I once had to read:
"My EEG shows that my brain wave frequency is below 0.05 Hz. Doctors find it incomprehensible that I am alive and can talk to you. According to them, I should have died. However, I am in a state where the primary the projection of the deep consciousness is manifested in this world in the most precise way. In other words, I possess the purest mirror." (I do not presume to judge the author of these lines .. perhaps this is so) but he wrote one thing correctly - about mirroring.
In Buddhist texts, this state is described as "the state of a Buddha who has attained mirror wisdom."
Among the texts of Tibetan Buddhism there is a sutra called "Bardo Thodol". It deals with death, the intermediate state, and rebirth. In short, the Bardo Thodol describes the state of mind necessary for being in the intermediate state and the way to avoid being born in the three lower worlds and be reborn in a higher world. The intermediate state includes the state of sleep, Samadi (deep meditation), existence in the mother's womb, and the period between death and life before entering the mother's womb.
This book says that in the intermediate state, our senses are sharpened seven times, that is, they become stronger and more real. And our consciousness becomes seven times clearer compared to our ordinary consciousness. This is the highest state of consciousness, which is characterized by delta waves.
Let me briefly tell you about brain waves. Brain waves or EEG (electroencephalography) are very weak electrical currents generated by the cerebral cortex. They can be recorded using an electroencephalograph connected to electrodes attached to a person's head. This device reads fluctuations in the electrical potential of the brain.
If you can interrupt the work of your consciousness with the help of "relativity meditation, that is, with the help of an antidote (ideas directly opposite to those ideas that are in your mind), and completely stop the usual active activity of the brain, (I'm not talking about becoming " vegetable" - and I'm only talking about the fact that the usual active state of the brain in the usual tension of the mind, in concentration on the logical component of our being - is not the most correct and even beneficial state for us) - you will eventually gain the ability to fulfill all your desires.
In Buddhist and yogic texts, this process is called "repetition of Pondering and Weighing." When the process of Thinking and Weighing is completed, the human brain begins to generate delta waves instead of theta waves.
In your dreams, your most unfulfilled desires have probably come true more than once. Dreaming is characterized by theta waves. For a state of deep sound sleep, waking up from which you remember nothing, delta waves are characteristic. Saints generate theta and delta waves and even lower frequency waves when they are awake, in a state of clear consciousness.
With the awakening of the Kundalini, your brain begins to generate alpha waves instead of medium frequency waves. After the awakening of the Kundalini, as information is stored in your brain that serves as a kind of antidote to your temporary desires, alpha waves pass into theta waves, and then into delta waves. (I should warn you that the widespread belief that "raising the kundalini" is done only through tantric practices is the greatest misconception. The second remark related to this: yes, Kundalini can be raised through tantric practices, but REALLY tantric Practically no one knows the practitioner today.Alas.. Simply having sex, and even in a group, and under the guidance of a person who does not have a real, and above all spiritual, long-term practice, will not raise Kundalini, but will only lower a person into such low astral layers which can lead to very detrimental consequences.
But there is another way or way, namely: "to live, thinking about what transcends life itself." The reason for the birth of beings in this world is their superficial desires. If you follow this path, you will cultivate compassion for those living beings who suffer because of their superficial desires. In this case, you will develop your consciousness not on the basis of your desires, but on the basis of compassion for all living beings. Both the first and the second methods have the same goal - the destruction of desires. In this case, the destruction of desires does not at all mean the destruction of ALL desires (this is what a person begins to reject before reading the information that comes to him quite often and in different ways. Only when he hears that he should give up his desires, he begins to cling to them , as if it was they, and ALL - that brought him happiness, freedom and development.) The ancient Teachings do not call for renouncing desires AT ALL - NO!
It is about the destruction of temporary, fleeting desires. (Those that are not characteristic of your deep consciousness, your true Self)
In terms of wave functions, gamma waves are the crudest kind of brain waves. They, for example, are generated when we are in the grip of harmful desires. Medium frequency waves are generated during not very intense mental activity. Alpha waves appear when we are awake, but our consciousness is calm. During normal sleep, theta waves are recorded, and during deep sleep, delta waves are recorded.
To achieve a truly calm state of consciousness, it is necessary to transform gamma waves into delta waves.
Telepathy and its rationale
There are people whose brain wave frequency is below 0.05 Hz. However, their EEG is different from that of people whose brain activity has stopped. The first difference is that their EEG also records an ECG (electrocardiogram), the waves generated by their heart. The second and most significant difference concerns the ability called in the Buddhist texts "Divine Reading of Others' Thoughts" (i.e. telepathy). It is the ability to read other people's minds. The EEG of such people is ABLE to reflect the EEG of any person next to them. In a shielded room, their brainwave frequency could be as low as 0.05 Hz. But as soon as someone approaches this person, and he himself synchronizes his consciousness and his consciousness, the frequencies of the brain waves of this person will be reflected in the EEG of this person. This fact scientifically confirms the ability described in Buddhist texts, and not only - namely, the ability of spiritually developed people to read other people's thoughts.
To put it quite simply, in any Teaching (be it Buddhism, Hinduism, Hermeticism, Christianity) there are practices of self-identification. At first, while the students are still inexperienced, and do not know how to control their consciousness, nor the frequency of the waves, nor to properly tune in and identify themselves with someone, they are given “lessons” of self-identification with a palm tree, for example, with a stone, etc. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance - not easy already because it requires the main thing - the ability to control thoughts, and most importantly - the ability to STOP them (stopping thoughts also stops thoughts about new desires) Stopping thoughts is getting rid of many troubles produced by incorrect direction of human consciousness. (Which, in fact, is a slowdown in the frequencies of the brain. I remember what a shock I experienced,) when, at one of my voluntary practices on the Druid Stone, moments of millennia passed in front of me, OUTSIDE MY consciousness, like a whirlwind - and what kind of people they were, what costumes ( which I have never seen and hardly ever see) in historical textbooks. What were the winds, and how volcanoes erupted - right here, in the territory where I now live.
Here in this phrase -
“to synchronize your consciousness and his consciousness yourself, the frequencies of the brain waves of this person will be reflected in the EEG of this person”
- here, in principle, EVERYTHING that happens at the time of healing, for example, has already been described. One - who heals - synchronizes his vibrations with the vibrations of the patient - THIS "attuning" to his "wave", THIS and feeling what that person feels, but only in a slightly different form (because the distortion is present if the healer is not very calm, or not quite “clean”, - he is not free from his desires, from his own involvement in the process (for example, when my husband was undergoing a complex operation, and I wanted to “participate” in it, i.e. observe somewhat from a different level, and help the doctor (which he was informed about, we discussed this during a month and a half of preparation for the operation. It was an operation to replace the vertebral tissue, abdominal, and very difficult - it was necessary to move some important organs when entering through the peritoneum (which is a huge stress for the body), remove part of two vertebrae, then cut out a part from the hip joint, and put this bone untouched by the disease instead of the removed one, making a kind of “conglomerate” for two at once vertebrae). At the same time, you need to remember about the bone marrow !! And the nerve trunks located there - and so, even the smallest part of the excitement or "hook for the result" gives a discrepancy with the necessary rhythms, the necessary wavelength and its frequency - and .. that's it! the healer at this time is NOT a "mirror" - because he has emotions, desires (the desire to help is ALSO YOUR desire). You cease to be a "mirror" - i.e. simply and unemotionally reflecting what is happening in the patient, or what can come to his aid from that same Infofield. ANY, even the smallest, most good emotion at this moment is UNACCEPTABLE. Any of YOUR thoughts at this moment are UNACCEPTABLE! (Remember Edgar Cayce and the fact that the level of his clairvoyance was very high - precisely because being in a state of half sleep, he simply did not get involved in what was passing in front of him - neither in the past nor in the future , whatever it seemed to him. He did not feel emotions at all about what he saw - he was simply a MIRROR. He simply reflected what the Infofield contained in relation to some person he tuned in to, i.e. whom he ALSO The fact that everything is instantly reflected on his ECG is also true - because the healer, as if, i.e. in a figurative sense, absorbs into the heart (or rather, into the area of ​​​​energy centers that "They control the heart as well) the suffering of the patient - and then HELP him to a different level of vibrations. The state of the healer CHANGES depending on the degree of his influence on the patient - i.e. not being able, for example, to assimilate what was filmed, the healer will very quickly feel incomprehensible manifestations of an illness that was previously unfamiliar to him. (Well, if it’s just an ailment, and often their life begins to undergo “strange” changes not in a positive sense, but such, if I may say so, “healer” begins to rush about in search of the reason that his children start to get sick, or who knows why he has changed husband. If the condition of the healer at this moment leaves much to be desired in terms of emotional, or he is hooked on the result, then he cannot bring anything but harm. People who are overly emotional, affectionate, have clues for the effectiveness of their actions, are prone to mood more than the action of the Mind - it is IMPOSSIBLE to engage in healing.

Recently, more and more people are interested in all kinds of esoteric phenomena, the spiritual development of mankind and the evolution of our planet. One of the actively discussed topics is the Schumann resonance. Let's see what this natural phenomenon is and how it affects a person.

What is the Schumann frequency?

There is a physical quantity, which is called the Schumann resonance (Schumann waves). It is an electromagnetic wave with a frequency of 7.83 Hz. Its formation is associated with the interaction of radiation from the Earth and the lower boundary of the ionosphere.

Our planet is surrounded by an air layer called the ionosphere. The ionosphere together with the surface of the planet form a huge resonator. This resonator emits electromagnetic waves having a certain length.

The famous scientist Nikola Tesla was the first to discover the low and ultra-low frequencies of oscillations of the atmospheric layer of our planet. Later, Winfried Otto Schumann and Herbert Koenig were also involved in this discovery. These scientists discovered in the atmospheric layer of the planet the so-called standing electromagnetic waves. They are called Schumann waves, after the scientist Winfried Otto Schumann.

The Schumann resonance is called the electromagnetic frequencies at which our planet vibrates. The main frequency that scientists have identified is 7.83 Hz. This frequency can be called the heartbeat or pulse of the Earth.

ImpactSchumann waves per person

Scientists have found that the vibrations of the Earth and the frequencies at which the human brain works are the same. This indicates that all life on the planet is closely connected with itself. This is natural, because people are born and develop on Earth, therefore they are an integral part of it. This implies the assumption that by tuning into its "native" frequency, the human body can get rid of many diseases. Thus, the planet Earth can heal people with its energy.

NASA is known to be actively using Schumann frequencies to maintain the health of its employees. Dr. Robert Becker has studied the frequency of the brains of healers and psychics when they perform their sessions. As a result of research, he found that in all experimental subjects the frequency of the brain is the same and it is 7–8 Hz.

It is interesting that all the studied healers adhered to different religious, spiritual and esoteric views, but the fluctuations of the brain during the sessions were the same for all.

Mystics and esotericists claim that this healing frequency not only heals a person, but can also reveal unusual abilities in him, such as clairvoyance and telekinesis. They argue that by tuning into the Schumann frequency, a person can connect to the collective unconscious - a repository that contains the thoughts and ideas of all the inhabitants of the planet.

How to tune in to the right wave?

Some people try to force their brains to run at 7.83 Hz in order to develop mystical powers. To do this, they use different methods, ranging from self-hypnosis and meditation to taking psychedelic drugs. You can also find audio recordings with Schumann frequencies on the Internet and listen to them.

However, the problem is that the frequency of the Schumann resonance is not a constant value. It varies depending on the time of day and specific coordinates. It turns out that this indicator is not the same in time and space.

You can, of course, try to tune in to an approximate frequency, but it has been empirically found that such a setting does not work. In addition, the human brain has protection that does not allow a person to change its frequencies at will. Gross interference in the work of this subtle organ can lead to sad consequences (starting from headaches and ending with insanity).

The situation is safe when the brain independently tunes to the Schumann frequency, regardless of the time of day and the location of the person. In this case it works correctly. It is this phenomenon that is observed in healers and psychics. Their brain tunes in to the right wave automatically. It is believed that at a frequency of 741 Hz, intuition awakens in a person.

What does the Schumann resonance depend on?

The frequency of vibration of the earth varies depending on the following indicators:

  • Times of Day. At night, the fluctuations slow down significantly, and during the day they increase.
  • Season. In summer, in the northern hemisphere of the globe, an increase in the amplitude of oscillations is observed.
  • Area coordinates. The Schumann resonance is increased in such areas of the planet as Africa, South America, India, Indonesia.
  • Sun activity. Solar storms cause an increase in the intensity of oscillations.

Schumann frequency change over the years

For a long time after the discovery, the Schumann waves remained stable. The frequency of 7.83 Hz was so constant that it allowed the military to tune their equipment on it. This value was measured for the first time in 1899–1900. Until 1980, it did not change. In 1958, many countries of the world adopted it as the main value for electronic communication.

But after a while, scientists noticed that Schumann's frequency began to rise. Since 1995, this value has changed as follows:

  • 1995 - 8.6 Hz;
  • 1999 - 11.2 Hz;
  • 2000 - 12 Hz;
  • 2001 - 12.2 Hz;
  • 2002 - 12.4 Hz;
  • winter 2003 - 12.6 Hz;
  • summer 2003 - 12.89 Hz;
  • autumn 2003 - 13 Hz;
  • in 2017, the Schumann frequency reached 36 Hz.

There is a station in Russia, whose workers constantly monitor the Schumann resonance. It is located in the city of Tomsk on the basis of Tomsk State University. On their official website you can see the frequency for today. The data is updated every two hours.

Another geophysical observatory is located in Slovakia, in the city of Modra. Schumann waves are also being monitored there.

There is an assumption that the increase of fluctuations leads to the spiritual evolution and enlightenment of mankind. Well, what will actually happen, time will tell.

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Man is a grandiose Divine Creation. One of the components in it is energy, subtle, light structures that vibrate, oscillate from the state of a Human in a dense body (low or high, light or dark). These vibrations are like antennas: as soon as a Human begins to destroy high, vital energies in himself, subtle structures immediately react, then the body, there is a noticeable lack of energy in organs, cells and in the whole organism, in everything in which the Human exists.

The tables below clearly show how they have evolved from low to high over the past 10 years. Today more than ever it is necessary to decide where you are going. If you have made a decision to go to the Light, then you need to stop broadcasting everything that reduces your high energies, Joy, Gratitude, Wisdom, Purity, etc. in you. And if we are on the circle of Samsara, then we have already been there, there is little harmony, it is very scary and painful, in the circle of eternal questions and dissatisfaction with ourselves, life, deceit, illusions, with a desire to die faster, in complete de-energization - and this is one of our unique past life experiences.

The Creator loves us equally, both light and dark, and green, and speckled. (Author's note: if only we could learn to love and accept everything in ourselves).

Table 1. Human and Earth vibration frequency from 2000 to 2015.

Until 2010, in Man there were indicators of ≈ 0 - 8 Hertz.

The ratio of the frequency of vibration of Man and the Earth

Symptoms in Man

The vibrational gap between Man and the Earth today is very large and this is an obvious fact from the figures given above. The vibrational gap is expressed by increased anxiety, emotion, loss of energy, manifestation of negativity. The evolutionary cycle is retarded in Man, such a development. Vibrational inconsistency today leads to certain symptoms. One of the most important reports is that the vibrations of the Earth will increase, this is not from our desire, choice, desire, this is the Divine evolutionary movement not only on planet Earth.

Table 2. Human and Earth vibration frequency of past civilizations
at the beginning, middle and end of their existence on planet Earth.

Increase vibration frequencies of Human and Earth happens at the same time. The Earth is moving to higher energy vibrational levels, and in Man there is still a habit of negative thinking, speaking, doing, living, low energy potential. Naturally the point of Love is closed. The discrepancy between the vibrations of light, dark energies within a Human does not give him complete harmonization, since the light, dark part in a Human is not harmonized. Or so, or so. Today the third is not given. A person gets what he chooses. A Human striving for the Light cannot be in low energies and generate them.

Basic understanding:

Man is primarily an energy Creation, having a dense body, which limited his possibilities as a Divine Creation. Today everything has changed and for the development of Man all restrictions have been removed, only one thing remains - to act. Today, the future is being laid: what you choose and what you do - the choice is yours.

The change of the epochal period began in 2012 and will end in 196 years. This is an interesting, grandiose time for the development of Man as a Divine incarnation on planet Earth, but how it will be today depends on you. Throughout the existence of the Evolutionary Human Civilizations, wars occur before the transition.

"You can always think about something, just not about realizing what you are thinking about"

"It doesn't matter who you were yesterday - what matters is who you create
yourself now."
- excerpts from the book Wisdom of the New Times. part 2.

In my opinion, this is such a little studied topic (or little voiced) that it is worth paying some attention to it.

This article will be a little scientifically oriented, and sometimes difficult to understand for those who were not friends with physics at school. But try to understand the meaning, because. it, I believe, is important for understanding those processes that are invisible to us.

Schumann resonance is the phenomenon of formation of standing electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.

Electromagnetic oscillations of ultra-low frequency arising in the resonant cavity between the earth's surface and the ionosphere (Schumann resonance).

"So what?" the reader will say! What is good or bad about these radio waves of natural origin? And these electromagnetic processes, invisible to the eye, affect both nature and man as part of the life of the planet. I will try to draw some conclusions at the end of the article. For now, let's continue...

The first to discover special low and ultra-low frequencies of the Earth's atmosphere was the American physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla, and then, after 50 years, research was continued by German specialists - physicist Winfried Otto Schumann and physician Herbert Koenig. They found that in the Earth's atmosphere there are so-called "standing electromagnetic waves", later called Schumann waves.

After numerous studies and rechecks, the frequency of the Schumann resonance was accurately determined - 7.83 Hz. Due to the wave processes of the plasma inside the Earth, peaks are most clearly observed at frequencies of approximately 8, 14, 20, 26, 32 Hz.

Typical spectrum of ultra-low frequency electromagnetic oscillations with Schumann resonances. The peak at 50 Hz is due to the frequency of the alternating current in the industrial power supply

Typical diurnal frequency variation of the first harmonic of the Schumann resonance

In 1952, König established a striking connection: the fundamental frequency of the Schumann resonance corresponds to the frequency of the alpha rhythm of the human brain - 7.83 Hz, and the frequency of the second harmonic of the Schumann resonance (14 Hz) corresponds to the accelerated alpha rhythm of the brain. Later, these values ​​were confirmed by numerous studies.
The frequencies of the Schumann resonance coincide with the frequencies of the brain, which indicates the primary connection of living beings with the Earth.

Let's focus on this.
According to some reports, starting from 2006-2007, the frequency of the Schumann resonance began to grow. This is an absolutely unique event, it has never happened before in the memory of mankind. More about this in the relevant section of this article. And now let's remember the rhythms of the brain and their ranges:

1) Less than 4 Hz is Delta waves, deep sleep.
2) 4-7 Hz is Theta, normal sleep.
3) 7-13 Hz is Alpha, relaxation, trance state.
4) 13-40 Hz is Beta, activity, normal daytime brain activity.
5) more than 40 Hz are Gamma waves, strong activity (aggression or fast logical thinking, problem solving in difficult conditions or with time pressure).

And what happens - if the Schumann resonance reaches from 8 to 13 Hz, then he will already “knock on the door” to beta frequencies, and this is the rhythm of our ordinary life (not modern crazy, but just normal life). At this frequency, the brain already functions almost without fog, that is, healthy. In other words, people no longer have to meditate to gain access to various fields, channels, abilities. All this will be natural, just like breathing or speech.

But in fact, the frequencies of the Schumann resonance do not increase, but rather decrease. Here are some charts:

2007 The fourth harmonic corresponds (as expected) to 26Hz.

2010 The fourth harmonic dropped (on average) to 24.5 Hz

2014 The fourth harmonic (average) is 25Hz

But not 26Hz - as it should be! And according to forecasts of past years, these frequencies should grow.

So, if the planet Earth and the space surrounding it, together with our luminary, increased the frequencies (and, accordingly, the harmonics of the Schumann resonance) in the course of natural processes, then someone or something “slowed down” this process. And in the higher harmonics, which are responsible for wakefulness and energy during the day of a person (this is at least, and maybe we would even show telepathy) - it led to a decrease in frequencies.
I have a version that the installations are responsible for this matter, the most familiar of which is HAARP:

The project was launched in the spring of 1997, in Gakone, Alaska.

In early May 2013, due to the end of the contract, the work of HAARP was stopped. A new contract is expected to be signed, possibly the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will be the customer of the work. It is assumed that a number of studies will be carried out in autumn 2013 - winter 2014.

And none of this is a climate weapon or a project to study the northern lights. And this is an installation for changing just the frequencies of the Schumann resonance, which affect the clarity of mind and reason among the population of the planet. Those. we are all in a kind of half-asleep state, there are no insights, bright ideas, aspirations, yes, there is simply no desire to move.
Here is another confirmation of my words:

In May 2014, US Air Force spokesman David Walker said that the command was no longer going to support the installation, other ways to control the ionosphere, which HAARP had to study, would be developed in the future. The station will be closed in June 2014 after the completion of the last research project of the DARPA program.

Note: "... other ways to control the ionosphere". I wonder if they stopped working or it continues to radiate? But most likely, they found another way to influence the ionosphere, for example, from satellites it turns out to be more efficient and does not attract the attention of the public and inquisitive minds.

There are three known installations:
HAARP (Alaska) - presumably up to 3600 kW (exact power unknown)
EISCAT (Norway, Tromsø) - 1200 kW
SPEAR (Norway, Longyearbyen) - 288 kW

Even if one is mothballed, the capacities of others are also colossal.

But that's just my guess, I'm not 100% sure. But there is already a clear picture and understanding: why do solar flares just put me to sleep? And not only me. After analyzing all this information, the mechanism becomes clear: the increased electromagnetic flux from the Sun, which reaches the Earth in a little more than eight minutes, affects the ionosphere and introduces its harmonics and resonances into the electromagnetic spectrum between the ionosphere itself and the surface, the Schumann resonance frequencies change, or rather decrease (although this must be clearly observed), it affects the brain - it falls asleep.

Maybe some gurus told us about this a few years ago? About the fact that our solar system is coming out of the dark arm of our Galaxy into a zone with other energies and these energies will “awaken humanity”. Those. radiation inside the Galaxy will be different and they will affect the Schumann resonances, will increase them. NASA with their space exploration stations is clearly more aware of whether this electromagnetic spectrum has changed or not ... But if it has changed, then we are being deliberately “lulled”.

Biorhythms of the Earth
Let's look at the biorhythms of the Earth during the day from the position of the graphs:

These are the amplitudes of the fundamental harmonics of the Schumann resonant frequencies. See when they fade! They begin to fade at 20-00, and "wake up" at 06-00. Although daylight hours at the latitude of Tomsk at this time of the year are much wider in time. Now remember nature. In most cases, in calm weather, everything calms down after eight in the evening (even the wind subsides) and nature actively wakes up after six in the morning. The scientific schedule and the obvious (but incomprehensible - why so) - agreed!

Frequency dips are also visible at night

Some biorhythms of the planet are also observed in the components of the Earth's magnetic field.

Many will say that there is nothing supernatural in all this, and there is little that has such an invisible and effective effect on a person. But those who do not observe anything in the flow of a crazy working day say so. I do not think so, and I believe that modern (especially closed and military) science knows much more about a person and about the influences surrounding him.

Earth frequency and human brain

Since 1986, scientists have observed an increase in the frequency vibrations of the world around us, which reaches a peak in 2012. It is assumed that by this time the frequency will increase from 7 Hz to 40 Hz. To survive in the new conditions and remain adequate, scientists say that people will need to train their brains to work at these higher frequencies.
To date, most children are born with a high frequency of the pineal gland, these are the children of a new civilization. They consciously act in subtle worlds that are simply not available to an ordinary person. Although, from the point of view of medicine, such a high frequency of the brain is a sign of schizophrenia.

Since the 80s, the birth of indigo children on Earth has increased and today among those born are almost 100% indigo. However, various sources indicate that most are born with minor brain dysfunction. They have practically no alpha rhythm, this is a low-frequency brain rhythm that functions from birth at higher frequencies.

There is such a thing as "Schumann frequency", this is the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth. One of the main frequencies is 7.8 Hz and, interestingly, it exactly matches the frequency of the alpha rhythm of the human brain (man and nature are one)

The alpha rhythm (from 8 to 13 Hz) is, in short, the frequency of the brain lying with closed eyes in a relaxed state (not sleeping, dozing).

NASA was interested in this research and developed a device that emits vibrations at a frequency of 7.8 Hz, harmonizing and calming the brain. The device is used primarily in the field of astronautics, for astronauts who are far from the Earth for a long time. Due to the fact that the astronaut's brain does not feel the resonant frequency of the Earth, he begins to experience headaches, distracted attention, dizziness, etc. (space sickness)

The fact is that Schumann's frequency began to grow and today it is 14-15 Hz, corresponding to the beta-rhythm of the brain, conscious activity. Because of this, most people experience dizziness, the brain is forced to work at ever-increasing frequencies. With a further increase in frequency, the brain will reach 30 Hz or more, a little-studied gamma rhythm, which is responsible for inspiration and creativity. The vibration frequency of the brain at 50 Hz, Zen Buddhists call enlightenment.

It is impossible for an unprepared human brain to reach, much less maintain, this high frequency. If alpha and beta rhythms are tuned to the familiar world, then the gamma rhythm, the perception of already subtle worlds.

By increasing its frequency, the Earth thereby forces our brain to wake up from its state of hibernation and work more consciously. While in a state of lucid dreaming, our brain operates on vibrations of higher frequencies. If a person knows how to control his dreams, then this “end of the world” from the yellow press is not terrible for him.

And yet, an increase in the frequency of the earth's pulsation leads to an acceleration of the processes occurring inside it, which can cause global natural disasters.

It remains to develop the structure of your body and consciousness. After all, a structural person has the opportunity to navigate in any world and accept any energy (here you have the transition to another level). The best option is not to panic, but to use the time that has come for your own evolution.

Each of us, the transition will experience in our own way. Each of us lives in our own little world, what we see is not always seen by others ...

Energy exchange of the body with the environment

The viability of the human body, its health and, accordingly, the normal functioning of the biofield and its aura are associated with the accumulation of prana in the body. The more prana accumulates, the more viable the organism and the stronger the person becomes energetically.

By prana yoga understand the form of energy in the body, which is necessary for him for all life processes. Yogis say that prana exists in the external environment: in solar radiation, in air, in water and food. The main source of prana, according to yoga, is the sun. A person absorbs this energy through nerve endings located in the respiratory tract, lungs, mucous membranes of the digestive tract, as well as through biologically active points located on the skin. In the body, there is a continuous circulation of prana through the nerves and through the Kenrak channels, topographically representing the Chinese meridians (channels of the body).

It should be said that the concept of prana is of a cosmic nature: yogis understand prana as the most subtle substance of world energy. Therefore, the prana used by living beings is sometimes referred to by a different name - “life force” or “life energy”. This "life force" is present in all organisms - from single-celled creatures to humans. Prana is in everything that lives. And since, according to the yogic idea, “life is present in all things, including every atom, and the apparent absence of life is only a weak manifestation of it,” therefore, prana is everywhere and in everything.

Any being lives as long as there is prana in this being. If prana disappears for any reason, the being becomes dead. Conversely, prana leaves an inanimate being. When the “I” leaves the physical body at its death, prana is released from the action of the “I”, leaves it and returns to the general world ocean of energy. Prana remains only in non-decaying parts of the body - atoms, and each atom retains as much prana as it needs to enter into new combinations.

The fact that the organism is inextricably linked with the external environment and that its energy exchange with the environment is continuously carried out and is the basis of all life processes is beyond doubt and has been proven by science. Of the energy substances that take part in this metabolism, science knows proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Salts and vitamins are also of great importance for the body: although they are contained in very small quantities, they strongly affect the course of energy processes. But, from the point of view of yogis, the energy exchange is not limited to this. They believe that the accumulation of prana in the body and its transfer to the external environment is an essential component of energy exchange with the external environment. This is confirmed by the experiment of Paul Bregg (repeated in 1989 by the well-known promoter of a healthy lifestyle G.S. Shatalova): having a daily diet of less than 1000 kcal, Paul Bregg (and then G.S. Shatalova with her associates) spent through the hot desert is much more kcal. In addition, we can mention the so-called raw foodists (who do not eat meat, fish, eggs and eat boiled food in very limited quantities), who, with a daily diet of about 1000 kcal, lead a mobile lifestyle, spending 5-6 thousand kcal per day. Obviously, the difference between the amount of energy expended and the energy consumed from food is compensated by the consumption of prana from the environment.

How, from the standpoint of scientific research, the energy received by the body is transferred in the body itself? In 1961, scientists - the Kirlian spouses managed to observe and photograph the skin of the human body in high-frequency currents. Moreover, it turned out that the currents "creep out" from one point to enter another, and have the form of corona discharges, prominences, painted in different colors. However, these colors, each of which is inherent in a certain part of the body, can change dramatically with unexpected emotions (fear, anger, pain, etc.).

From this we can conclude:

the energy used by the body is converted into high frequency currents;
each organ, tissue, cell radiate energy (under natural conditions) in its own characteristic range only for them;
in the case of rapid, unexpected changes, the frequency range changes dramatically, a shift to the blue or red side of the spectrum is observed (depending on whether the activity of the radiating organ is activated or suppressed). It should be emphasized here that if such radiations and qualitative changes in their composition were due only to chemical reactions, there could be no question of an almost instantaneous reaction to external stimuli.

In 1962, scientists took the next step in deepening the knowledge of the human energy field. Korean researchers discovered the Kenrak system, which is qualitatively different from the nervous and circulatory-lymphatic systems. This system is a tubular structure with very thin walls. In the skin and subcutaneous integument, the tubes end in small, loose oval structures that are sharply different from nearby tissues - these are the so-called bioactive points (used in acupuncture, as well as in acupressure).

In technology, high-frequency currents are transmitted through special waveguide tubes, since when transmitted through ordinary wires, the latter turn into antennas and a large percentage of the power is lost to radiation. The Kenrak system is (in its structure) the same waveguides and, therefore, is designed to transmit high frequency currents.

In the early sixties, American scientists discovered the magnetic field of a nerve cell - a neuron. It turned out that the passage of the current of action in the nerve fibers is provided by the appearance of this field and the drawing of an electron into it. Since the action current is a low frequency physical electrons, for further transmission they must be converted into a high frequency current. This function (the function of the magnetron) is performed by the neuron. In the future, “at the output”, the high frequency current is again converted into an action current and is again subject to conversion into a high frequency current by the next neuron. Such transformations, of course, take a certain amount of time, as a result of which the nervous excitation transmitted by the current of action propagates along the nerve fiber more slowly than the electric current through the conductor, but almost instantly - much faster than chemical reactions can spread if the end the previous one initiates the next one. It can be assumed that the neuron, performing the function of a magnetron in the body, also plays another equally important role: if the body needs to quickly transfer some amount of energy to the environment or transfer it to another organism for certain purposes, the neuron transmits high-frequency currents to the Kenrak system, whose waveguides radiate it into the medium. Such transmission from neurons to Kenrak waveguides can be carried out spontaneously (in case of strong emotional arousal) or consciously (in this case, the general magnetic field of the Earth is of great importance, in which the general orientation of all magnetic fields of neurons is achieved, their synchronous transmission of high-frequency currents in the Kenrak system or synchronous reception of high-frequency currents from Kenrak waveguides).

Evaluating the foregoing, we can say that the organism of a living being is most closely connected with the external environment due to the exchange of high-frequency currents. Its borders are by no means the skin coverings over which the discharges discovered by Kirlian “walk”, and not even the area of ​​distribution of these charges. The organism of a living being, from the point of view of energy metabolism, is part of the environment, because the ability of higher animals and humans to emit high-frequency currents (power transmission over long distances in high-frequency currents without wires) seems to expand the boundaries of the organism.

From the point of view of human interaction with the external environment, the human biofield is a means of influencing objects of the external environment and a means of protection from the influence of objects of the external environment. Subordinating the biofield to consciousness, strengthening it, you can direct it to a specific goal: to influence objects that have a mechanical mass, moving them from place to place; read the thoughts of other people, uniting with their consciousness; covering yourself with an energy shell, protect yourself from the harmful effects of certain energy factors...

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