Gunka screams Dunno is a liar. “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” Nikolai Nosov. When demands exceed capabilities

The leading activity for a primary school student is learning. It is very important that the child understands the importance of the knowledge that is given in the lessons. Using the example of Dunno, children see how funny an illiterate person looks in different life situations.



Development of a creative personality through theatrical activities

Theatrical activity can be considered as modeling people's life experiences, as powerful psychotraining. It is in the conditions of the game that the ability to interact with people, find a way out in various situations, and the ability to make choices is trained. This helps overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness. Sh Cola is the first social institution, it is here that the child receives his first life experience, begins to look closely and act in the world of adults. And my task, as a primary school teacher, is not only to give knowledge, but also to help the development of personality, to give value orientations to our society.

The leading activity for a primary school student is learning. It is very important that the child understands the importance of the knowledge that is given in the lessons. Children see Dunno as an example. how funny an illiterate person looks in different life situations.

Dunno and his friends

Performance based on the work of N. Nosov.

















Leading: Guys, I invite you to the flower city.

Meet: Dunno and his friends.

(The curtain opens.

Children perform the “Grasshopper” dance on stage

After the dance, only Dunno remains on stage.)

Scene 1

Dunno: Hi guys! You recognized me? Yes, I am Dunno. And I live in the Flower City on Kolokolchikov Street and all my little friends live here. Anna, this street of Daisies is where little kids live. Phew, they are all neat and imaginative. I went out for a walk. Everyone is busy with some kind of business. but I have nothing to do, I can already do everything and know everything. .I have already learned to read letters and can even write in block letters! Why study more?! It won't be useful in life. I think well. He put the shoes on his feet, not on his head - that’s also a consideration.

(A flying beetle hits him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle flew away at that moment. Dunno jumped up and began to look around. There is no one around.)

Who hit me? Maybe something fell from above?

(Looks up. The sun is above Dunno’s head.)

So something fell on me from the sun. A piece of the sun must have fallen off and hit me on the head. I’ll go and tell Steklyashkin everything. He is a famous astronomer.

Steklyashkin! Listen, Steklyashkin, you understand what the story is: a piece came off from the sun and hit me on the head.

Steklyashkin: What are you, Dunno! (Laughs.) If a piece came off from the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

Dunno: Can't be! In my opinion, the sun is no bigger than a plate.

Steklyashkin: It only seems so to us because the sun is very far from us. The sun is a big huge hot ball. I saw this through my pipe. If even a small piece came off from the sun, it would destroy our entire city.

Dunno: Come on! I didn’t even know the sun was so big. I’ll go tell our people - maybe they haven’t heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it’s actually chipped!

Steklyashkin: I'll see, I'll see.

Dunno: Brothers, do you know what the sun is like? It is larger than our entire Earth. That's what it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off from the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. It's terrible what will happen! So go and ask Steklyashkin.

Cog: Ha ha! What a chatterbox you are, Dunno!

Dunno: (Waves his hand and runs further.)

Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!

Shpuntik: What piece?

Dunno: Piece, brothers! A piece came off from the sun. Soon it will fall down and everyone will be done for. Do you know what the sun is like? It is larger than our entire Earth!

Cog: What are you making up?

Dunno: I'm not making anything up. Steklyashkin said this. He saw through his pipe.

Pilyulkin: (Looks at the sun, wipes his eyes.)It seems that the sun is really pockmarked!

Tube: (He grabbed his paints and brush.)Save yourself, who can! Trouble!

Pilyulkin: Where's my first aid kit?

Znayka comes out important..

Znayka: Calm down, brothers! There's nothing wrong. Don't you know that Dunno is a chatterbox! He made it all up.

Dunno: Made it up?! (Shouts.) Go and ask Steklyashkin.

Znayka: Of course you made it all up!(Everyone laughs.)

Pilyulkin: We are surprised how we believed you!

Dunno: And I don’t seem to be surprised! I believed it myself! Come on, I’d better go to Tube.

Scene 2

Dunno: Listen, Tube, I also want to be an artist. Give me some paints and a brush.

(The tube stands in front of the easel with a palette in his hands.)

Tube: To become an artist, you need to study.

Dunno: What nonsense you are saying. I watched how you draw and learned.

Tube: Fine. I will give you paints and a brush.

Dunno: Thank you, Tube! You are a true friend.(Stands near the easel.)

(Tubik leaves, Gunka appears)

Gunka: What are you doing?

Dunno: Sit down, Gunka, now I’ll draw you.

Gunka: Hooray! I will have a portrait!(Sits on a chair and turns around.) Soon?

Dunno: Don't turn around, otherwise it won't work out.

Gunka: Is it similar now?

Dunno: Very similar.

Gunka: Well, show me what happened?

(Dunno shows a portrait.)

Gunka: Am I like that? (Shouts.)

Dunno: Of course, like that, what else?

Gunka: Why did you draw a mustache? I don't have a mustache.

Dunno: Well, they will grow up someday.

Gunka: Why is your nose red?

Dunno: This is to make it more beautiful.

Gunka: Why is your hair blue? Do I have blue hair?

Dunno: Blue. But if you don't like it, I can make green ones.

Gunka: No, this is a bad portrait. Let me tear it up.

Dunno: Why destroy a work of art?

(Gunka takes the portrait, they fight. Pulka comes running in response to the noise.)

Bullet: Why are you fighting?

Gunka: Here, judge us: tell me, who is drawn here? Really, it's not me?

Bullet: Of course not. There's some kind of scarecrow drawn here.

Dunno: You didn't guess because there is no signature here. I’ll sign now and everything will be clear.

(Dunno signs: Gunka, and hangs the portrait on the wall.)

Let it weigh. Everyone can watch, no one is prohibited.

Gunka: All the same, when you leave, I will come and destroy this portrait.

Dunno: But I won’t leave, I will guard this portrait.

Bullet: Well, stay alone!

(They leave.)

Dunno: Well, go away! And now I’ll draw everyone!(Draws and hangs portraits of Pulka, Znayka, Pilyulkin on the wall.)

(Pilyulkin appears and laughs.)

Pilyulkin: Well done, Dunno! I have never laughed so much in my life! And who is this? Is it really me? No, it's not me. This is a very bad portrait. You better take it off.

Dunno: Why film? Let it hang.

Pilyulkin: You, Dunno, are obviously sick. Something happened to your eyes. When have you ever seen me have a thermometer instead of a nose? I'll have to give you castor oil at night.

Dunno: No no! Now I see for myself that the portrait is bad.

(Takes off the portrait and gives it to Pilyulkin, who leaves with the portrait.)

(Pulka appears. Laughs, clutching his stomach, sees his portrait, becomes serious.)

Bullet: This is a bad portrait. Doesn't look like me. Take it off, otherwise I won’t take you and the dog hunting. And I won’t show you what numbers Bulka can do.(Takes a portrait.)

(Tube appears.)

Tube: What is it?! This is not a portrait, this is a mediocre, anti-artistic daub! Quickly give me the paints and brush.(Takes off the portrait himself and leaves.)

Dunno: (Takes a portrait.)Would you like me to give you your portrait, Gulka? And you will make peace with me.

Gulka: Okay, peace. Only if you draw one more time, I will never put up with it.

Dunno: And I will never draw again. You draw and draw, but no one even says thank you. Everyone is just arguing. I don't want to be an artist anymore! I'll go to Vintik and Shpuntik. I'll take a car ride. They are our famous mechanics.

(The dance “Cars” is performed.)

Scene 3

Vintik and Shpuntik are repairing the car. Tired.

Shpuntik: (Yawning.) Ugh, that's enough! It's time for us to rest. And let Dunno run to Pilyulkin, take cough syrup and lubricate everything. He loves to ride in a car, so let him pour some syrup into the engine.

Cog: Right. Hey, Dunno, go get some fresh syrup!

Dunno: Okay, so be it. Now I’ll drop everything and help you.

(He leaves. He brings a green liquid in a bottle. It says “Green” on it. He reads “Syrup.”)

Dunno: Syrup is like syrup. (Pours it into the car.)It is done. I'll ride!

Mechanics appear.

Cog: You can't trust this donkey with anything! Ruined the car! Everything in the engine is jammed.

Shpuntik: And it turned green.

Cog: Now my Dunno will turn green!

Dunno: How can I turn green?

Shpuntik: Now you will find out! Why did you pour brilliant green into the engine instead of syrup?!

Dunno: Zelenka?! I don't read well. Just read it wrong. After all, it is written very similar: “Syrup” and “Zelenka”.

Shpuntik: (Waving a bottle.) Now you, illiterate, will definitely turn green in my face!

Dunno: (Running away.) I will learn to read so as not to make any more mistakes. I'll be there today! Honestly Dunno. (Stopping.) Summer is coming. I will probably start studying on September 1st. Just like it dawned on me! I will always have time to learn to read. Let me go to Tsvetik. He is a poet. I will learn to write poetry.

Scene 4

Dunno: Listen, Tsvetik, teach me to write poetry. I also want to be a poet.

Do you have any abilities?

Dunno: Of course have. I'm very capable.

Flower: This needs to be checked. Do you know what rhyme is?

Dunno: Rhyme? No, I do not know.

Flower: Rhyme is when two words end the same. For example: duck is a joke, shortbread is a walrus. Understood?

Dunno: Got it.

Flower: Well, say a rhyme with the word "stick".

Dunno: Herring.

Flower: What kind of rhyme is this: stick - herring? There is no rhyme in these words.

Dunno: Why not? They end the same way.

Flower: This is not enough. It is necessary that the words are similar so that it turns out smoothly. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a cone.

Dunno: Got it, got it! A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a cone! That's great! Ha ha ha!

Flower: Well, come up with a rhyme for the word “tow.”


Flower: What kind of "shmaklya"? Is there such a word?

Dunno: Isn’t it?

Tsvetik: Of course not.

Dunno: Well, then the bastard.

Flower: What kind of “whack” is this?!

Dunno: Well, when they tear something, it turns out to be a tear.

Flower: You're lying all the time. There is no such word. We need to choose words that exist, and not invent them.

Dunno: What if I can’t find another word?

Flower: This means you have no talent for poetry.

Dunno: Well, then figure out for yourself what kind of rhyme there is.

Flower: Now. (Hands on chest, head on side, thinking. Head up, looking at the ceiling. Hands on chin, looking at the floor. Wandering, muttering.)

Tow, tow, waklya, daklya, iaklya. Ugh! What is this word?

It's some word that doesn't rhyme.

Dunno: Here you go! He himself asks for words that have no rhyme, and also says that I am incapable.

Flower: Well, capable, capable, just leave me alone! I have a headache. Write in such a way that there is meaning and rhyme, that’s poetry for you.

Dunno: Is it really that simple?

Flower: Of course it's simple. The main thing is to have the ability.

(Dunno repeats Tsvetik’s actions.)

Dunno: Finally, the poems are ready.

(Znayka comes out.)

Znayka: Come on, come on, what are these poems about?

Dunno: I wrote this about you. Here, first, poems about Znayka.

Znayka went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the candle.

Znayka: What?! When did I jump over a candle?

Dunno: Well, it’s only said that way in poetry, for rhyme.

Znayka: So, because of a rhyme, you will invent all sorts of lies about me?

Dunno: Certainly. Why should I make up the truth? There is no need to create the truth, it already exists.

Znayka: Try it again, you'll find out! Well, read what you wrote about others?

(Pulka appears.)

Dunno: Listen to Pulka here.

Pulka, Pulka - tiny

He ate his dog Bulka.

Bullet: How?! I didn't eat the bun. Here he is - alive. And I don't want to be friends with you.


Dunno: Here, listen to Steklyashkin.

Our Steklyashkin was hungry,

Swallowed a cold iron.

Steklyashkin: Brothers! Is he making this up about me? I didn't swallow any cold iron.

Dunno: Don't shout. I just said for rhyme that the iron is cold.

Steklyashkin: But I haven’t swallowed any iron in my life, neither cold nor hot!

Dunno: And I’m not saying that you swallowed a hot one, so you can calm down. Here, listen to some more poems about Vintik and Tube.

Wears a tube instead of a hat

From a large frog's paw.

Tube: Deceiver! This is not true, I have a cap, not frog legs. Here, look!

Dunno: And our little screw under the pillow

Hid the sweet cheesecake!

Cog: Liars! I don’t have any cheesecake under my pillow!

Dunno: Eh, you don’t understand anything about poetry. This is only said for rhyme, but in reality there is no cheesecake. That's all. And here’s another thing I wrote about Pilyulkin. Listen.

Pilyulkin: Brothers! This bullying must stop! Are we really going to calmly listen to Dunno lying about all of us?

Znayka: Enough. We don't want to listen anymore! These are not poems, but some kind of teases.

Dunno: Well, since you don’t want to listen, I’ll go and read it to the neighbors.

Tube: What?! Are you going to shame us in front of your neighbors? Just try it!

Pilyulkin: Brothers! Yes, he is quite sick. Now I'll put a thermometer on you.

Dunno: Oh, no need for a thermometer! No need! I won't write poetry anymore.

Pilyulkin: Why don't you need a thermometer?

Dunno: It will hurt!

Pilyulkin: Yes, a thermometer doesn’t hurt.

Dunno: You always say that it doesn’t hurt, and then it hurts.

Pilyulkin: What a weirdo! Haven't I ever given you a thermometer?

Dunno: Never!

Pilyulkin: Well, now you will see that it doesn't hurt. I'll go get a thermometer.


Dunno: I'll run away to the kids. He won't find me there.

(Pilyulkin returns.)

Pilyulkin: So treat such a patient! You treat him, treat him, and he will run away. Well, where does this fit in!

Scene 5

Dunno: Hello, Skripochka. How well you play. Teach me to play. I also want to be a musician.

Violin: Learn. What do you want to play?

Dunno: What is the easiest thing to learn?

Violin: On the balalaika.

Dunno: Well, give me the balalaika, I’ll try it.(Tries.) Noooo, the balalaika is playing too quietly. Give me something else, louder.

Violin: There is a trumpet.

Dunno: Let's bring it here, let's try it. This is a good tool! Plays loud!

Violin: Well, learn the trumpet if you like.

Dunno: Why should I study? I can do that too.

Violin: No, you don’t know how yet.

Dunno: I can, I can! Here, listen!(Plays.)

Violin: You're just blowing, not playing.

Dunno: How can I not play? A very good game! Loud!

Violin: Oh you! The point here is not that it would be loud. It needs to be beautiful.

Dunno: That’s how it turns out beautifully for me.

Violin: And it's not pretty at all. I see you are not at all capable of music.

Dunno: You are the one who is not capable of music. You're just saying that out of envy. You want to be the only one listened to and praised.

Violin: Nothing like this! Take it and play as much as you want if you think you don’t need to study. Let them praise you too.

Dunno: Well, I'll play!

Violin: What's that noise?

Dunno: It's not noise. This is me playing.

Stop it now! Your music makes my ears hurt!

Dunno: This is because you are not used to my music yet. Once you get used to it, your ears won’t hurt.

But I don’t want to get used to it, I really need it!

(Dunno plays.)

Stop it! Get out of here with your nasty pipe.

Dunno: Where should I go?

Violin: Go to your kids.

Dunno: Yes, they will put a thermometer for me. I'm afraid. Oh, how unfortunate I am! Everyone despises and persecutes me. And no one, no one in the world loves me!

Violin: Don't cry, Dunno.(Touches his shoulder.)Do not Cry.

(Dunno turned away and cried even louder.

The violin strokes Dunno on the shoulder. He shook his shoulder and kicked his leg.)

Well, don't, don't be so angry. After all, you are a kind, good kid. You wanted to seem better, so you brag. But now you won’t do that. Won't you?

Dunno: I won’t. (Muttered.)

Violin: Say you won't. After all, you are good.

Dunno: No, I'm bad.

Violin: Not true! Say you won't do that and start a new life. We will no longer remember the old things.

Dunno: Well, I won’t!

Violin: You see how good it is! Now you try to be honest and smart, you will do good deeds, and you will no longer have to invent anything to seem better. Come with us to do the laundry. Today is Saturday and we have a lot of laundry to do.

Dunno: I know how to do laundry. I'll be happy to help you. Just don't send me away.

The “Wash” dance is performed.

(The girls run away. Sineglazka and Dunno remain.)

Sineglazka: You see how great you are!

(Gunka and Tube appear.)

Gunka: Dunno is a liar! Dunno is a braggart! Dunno donkey!

Sineglazka: Shame on you, kids! Why are you teasing him?

Tube: Why is he bragging?

Sineglazka: Was he bragging? He boasted, but you were silent - that means you were at the same time with him!

Snowflake: You are no better! You knew that he was lying and bragging, and no one stopped him. Nobody told him it was bad.

Sineglazka: Why are you better?

Gunka: We are not saying that we are better.

Kisonka: Well, don’t tease him, since you’re no better yourself! Others in your place would have helped him improve long ago.

Martin: Poor him! Did you cry? You were teased. Kids are so eccentric. But we will not let you be offended. We will not allow you to be teased!(Girls.) He needs to be treated more kindly. He did something wrong and was punished for it, but now he has repented and will behave well.

Button: Certainly! And teasing is bad. He will get angry and begin to behave even worse. If you feel sorry for him, he will feel his guilt more strongly and will sooner correct himself.

Dunno: I used to not want to hang out with babies and thought that babies were better, but now I see that babies are not better at all. The kids did nothing but tease, and the little ones stood up for me. Now I will always be friends with the little ones.

Lungwort: Friendship is wonderful.

Martin: Do you know what I think? Let's have a ball. This will be fun!

Dunno: Is it possible?

Sineglazka: Why not? Just wash yourself properly, comb your hair well and come. We invite you and all the kids.

Dunno: Okay, we'll come. Thank you. Honestly, brothers, I didn’t even think before that you could be as good friends with little girls as with kids.(They leave.)

Button: It won't be difficult to raise them at all.

Lungwort: They need to be praised often. It's useful for them. Always, if they do something naughty, you should scold them, and if they do something good, you should praise them. Then, next time, they will do well and be praised again. In addition, they should be taught good manners.

Button: It will be necessary to work on their speech and gradually wean them from ugly words.(They leave.)

Music is playing. Dressed up kids and little girls come out and get into pairs.


Dunno comes forward.

Dunno: Well, brothers, that's all. See you again!

The music “If you go on a journey with a friend” plays.


In the land of short people, where Dunno and his friends lived, they loved strawberries very much. After all, all babies and toddlers love different berries. And ripe strawberries are very sweet, juicy and smell wonderful of the forest.

So, the strawberries ripened in the middle of summer. And then everyone went to collect it in the forest clearings.

Syropchik especially liked to go for strawberries. Then he boiled strawberry syrup and poured it into jars. He prepared several hundred such jars for the winter.

Usually the berries were collected in a large basket. Then Vintik and Shpuntik drove the basket to Flower City in a carbonated car. But the forest and the Flower City were on different banks of the Cucumber River. Therefore, once upon a time the basket was moved by a crane onto a raft and transported across the stream. But one day Vintik and Shpuntik figured out how to make an amphibian, that is, a floating car, out of a simple car.

They did it very simply. They took and installed huge inflatable wheels on the car, which keep the car afloat even with a heavy load. Well, like four big life preservers. Such an all-terrain vehicle drove straight from the forest into the water and sailed to the Flower City, where Donut made jam and Syrup made syrup.

Together with everyone else, Dunno also picked strawberries. Only he never brought many berries to the common basket.

The thing is, he ate everything. Whatever he finds, he will eat. But he could not admit his weakness. It was a shame: all the shorties went into the basket, and he went into his belly.

And to justify himself, he always came up with some fables.

For example, they will ask him:

- Dunno, why did you bring so few strawberries? And he, without blinking an eye, will lie:

– You won’t believe it, brothers. Today I found a clearing where these strawberries are visible and invisible!

- So why didn’t you bring anything? - Grumpy is indignant.

- I couldn’t.

- How could I not?!

“I couldn’t,” I say. Couldn't carry it. The strawberries, you see, in that clearing are huge, well, every berry is the size of a plum! No, with an apple! A berry the size of an apple, you know? Under each bush lies a sort of hefty strawberry. I barely tore one off and rolled it away. I rolled her through the whole forest!

- Well, where is she? – asked the dumbfounded Neboska.

Another time Dunno brought only two or three berries the whole day. Vintik noticed this and said sternly:

– You didn’t pick enough strawberries today.

– Something was unlucky, Vintik. I walked around three clearings: everything was empty.

- Come on, lie! – Vintik didn’t believe him.

- I'm not lying. Empty. Someone ate all the strawberries.

Why exactly did he eat it and not collect it? - Vintik asked.

Dunno looked around cautiously and whispered:

“I know for sure that I didn’t collect it, but ate it.” I saw it myself later. Just don’t tell anyone yet: Gunka ate everything.

The next day, Dunno told Avoska the same tale about Tube. Then Knopochka about Rasteryayka and Gusle about Pilyulkin. Soon he lied so much that he began to forget to whom and about whom he lied.

One day Gunka came up to Dunno and said:

- Listen, everyone says that I eat the strawberries that I find. I ask everyone where they got it from. And they answer that everyone is talking about it. Maybe you know who invented this nonsense?

Dunno felt terribly ashamed, but he was afraid to admit, and he had to lie further:

- Yes, Gunka, don’t be upset. Surely some liar came up with this idea. He eats everything himself, and slanders others. He didn't just make this up about you! And about Avoska, and about Button, and even about Doctor Pilyulkin!

A week later everyone was outraged. After all, a rumor spread about everyone that it was he who eats all the strawberries that he finds. The short ones were angry and threatened to pull the ears of the unknown deceiver.

And although no one understood anything that time and Dunno got away with lying, one day he was finally caught...

As always, Dunno ate almost all the strawberries. Then he lay down to rest.

Usually he also covered himself with a hat so as not to be disturbed by the bright light. But the hat was full of strawberries, which he finished half asleep. Soon he was fast asleep.

Meanwhile, everyone gathered at the edge of the forest. Suddenly Fuchsia noticed:

- There is no such thing as Dunno. Worked hard: picking berries.

They waited for him, waited and became worried. Button was more worried than others:

– We need to look for him, what if there’s some trouble with him?

In the Flower City, it is not customary to abandon friends in trouble. And the little ones went back to the forest to search.

Soon the exclamation of Rasteryaika was heard:

Everyone ran to the cry and saw a strange picture. Dunno, all smeared with strawberries, his arms folded over his plump tummy, was fast asleep.

Doctor Pilyulkin, Knopochka, Avoska, Fuchsia and other shorties surrounded the deceiver. And he continued to sleep soundly as if nothing had happened. He dreamed that he was gorging himself on ripe strawberries, of which there were so many around that even ten kids couldn’t eat them.

Confused began to tug at his shoulder. But Dunno just waved him off and muttered in his sleep:

- Don't persuade me. I won't eat another berry again. I'm fed up with your strawberries.

That’s when everyone realized: here he is, a shameless liar. And Pilyulkin, without hiding his gloating, said:

- Poor thing, I ate too much strawberries. Fed up, that is. You even feel bad. That is OK! Now we’ll use castor oil to cure gluttony and lies. Wake up!


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    Collecting Russian lands as an exact science

    Photo: © 1 - monument in Crimea. 2 - monument in Donetsk I just want to ask those who created this situation - do you even understand now what you have done? (V. Putin) This has never happened, and here it is again: in Donetsk there was a meeting of deputies representing the Youth Parliament of the DPR Natalia Podlesnaya and Yulia Soldatova with students of DonNUET named after. M. Tugan-Baranovsky on the topic:...

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    Sleep of the mind

    Photo: “The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters”, F. Goya, 1797 Does the LDPR have a future? Of course there is, as long as there are young people. But whether our youth have a future is a big question. One of the keys to successful development and aspirations into the future is an understanding of the past and a healthy awareness of the present. Because from fiction, fantasy and illusions that present what is desired as...

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    Little animal unknown

    Photo from open sources “Media: Prilepin will receive a presidential grant for the development of a patriotic literary project. The main thing is to stick on time and correctly!” S.S. Sulakshin. As it became known, writer Zakhar Prilepin, who claims the honorary title of “Hemingway of our time,” will receive a presidential grant in the amount of 2.6 million rubles for his creative space project “Russian Forest,” writes Open Media. Currently studying on Prilepin’s courses...

    7.11.2019 6:08 331


    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

    Evening masters of evening culture

    It shines like a new fifty dollars, Lotions and varnish are dripping from it. And when the gopota crucifies Christ, He will explain why Christ is the enemy. (Boris Grebenshchikov) Russian propagandist Andrei Norkin, during the broadcast of the talk show “Meeting Place”, made an incredible discovery in the field of modern history, which absolutely rightly and deservedly caused a wave of indignation and condemnation of all reasonable people: it turns out that the militia...

    1.11.2019 0:20 304


    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

    At the pace of a march

    Photo: ©, Donetsk International Airport named after Sergei Prokofiev, our days The longer the Donbass war lasts, the more difficult it is to survive. Because strength, faith, hope, friendship - everything seems to be thinning from prolonged use, worn down to holes, for many the words “Russian Spring” and “Russian World” have become rags, which are only good for mourning...

    31.10.2019 0:46 279

    Alternative opinion

    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

    Beyond good and evil

    Today is the birthday of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Red Army, member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Karbyshev, killed by Nazi monsters in the Mauthausen concentration camp. Yes, this is the same one, over whose martyrdom and heroic death not so long ago the clowns from “Comedy Women” made stupid and base humor, and then just as absurdly apologized, saying they didn’t know...

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    "Shagreen" People's Republics

    Photo: Memorial complex at Saur-Mogila, DPR I don’t see what’s the point of saying that “the mills of the gods grind slowly”: this only obscures justice and allows fear for the crimes committed to fade away. (Plutarch) As you know, the magical talisman that Honore de Balzac described decreased when it fulfilled the wishes of its owners, until the complete disappearance of both the shagreen skin itself and its living...

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    How to clarify: unaesthetic, but cheap, reliable and practical

    There can be only one assessment of what happened in Kyiv - it was an anti-constitutional coup and an armed seizure of power. (V.V. Putin. Novo-Ogarevo, March 4, 2014) There is no clarity regarding the future fate of the special status of Donbass, since Kyiv began to talk about developing a new law on this issue, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Andrei said in an interview with RIA Novosti...

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    Oblivion and Forgiveness

    Photo: © After the parties and non-parties to the so-called “conflict in the Southeast” reluctantly agreed on the Steinmeier formula, battles began over the implementation of its modalities. One of the hot topics for discussion was amnesty. The very fact that quite practical aspects of the formula are being discussed is alarming for the LDNR. Of course, there is the option that sides and non-sides...

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    To the “friendly” neighing...

    Russian comedians Timur Karginov, Andrey Konyaev and Nurlan Saburov (who are they?) laughed cheerfully at the DPR and its inhabitants, and also laughed about the call sign of the deceased commander Arsen Pavlov. The corresponding video was published on the Youtube channel “KuJi Podcast” (there is profanity in the video from 4.50 sec). Motorola everything! She went bankrupt! Closed! - Andrei Konyaev joked, causing his laughter...

    18.10.2019 18:08 399


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    About the victims of Perestroika and more

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    15.10.2019 13:23 260

    Alternative opinion

    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

    Alien war

    Photo: obelisk to the heroes of Donbass, Rostov-on-Don During the five years of the Donbass war, the inhabitants of the warring region learned a lot, and knew a lot before. For example, they knew for sure that they were Russians - not in the national sense, of course, since Donbass was multinational from the beginning of its existence - but in the cultural, traditional, historical, mental, civilizational sense, that Russia is the Motherland, and Moscow is the capital,...

    4.10.2019 2:15 1 263

    Relevant now

    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

    “A stern avenger will rise, and he will be stronger than us.”

    On September 29, 1942, in Krasnodon, shortly after the occupation of the city by the Nazis, the underground Komsomol organization “Young Guard” was created. The name was proposed by Sergei Tyulenin, Ivan Turkenich became the commander, and Oleg Koshevoy became the commissar. The “Young Guard” consisted of about 110 participants - boys and girls. The youngest participant in the underground was 14 years old. They distributed anti-fascist leaflets, took part in sabotage, saved...

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    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

    When you don't want to think

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    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

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    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

    You Can't Command Your Heart or Save Rafael Lusvarghi!

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    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

    New generation concentration camp

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Where are you going, you idiot! - I? Pass yourself, greedy! - Enough! Play! Such screams came from the football field every day, regardless of the time of day and daily routine. At this time, the girls most often sat in the stands and wove baubles or just talked. It was the same today. The kids were playing, the kids were chatting about something. But then there was a cry from Button, who had gone out to fetch water: “Oh, no!” Give it back, it's mine! – There were notes of fear in the voice. The kids stopped and listened. The screams, like crying, became louder. Dunno took off and ran towards the scream, the others rushed after. The button screamed not far from the field, so the friends quickly found it. Dunno, who ran up first, saw a very strange picture: Button was surrounded on all sides by three kids whom Dunno had never seen before (which strained him - he knew absolutely the whole city and was personally acquainted with everyone), and they were throwing her bauble, saying: - Oh, what a beauty! Will you let me wear it? - Why are you alone? Where is your boyfriend? - Come on, jump, then I’ll give it to you! One of the trio was tall and thin, with dark hair and gray eyes. Dunno thought that he was the leader of this gang. - Dunno, guys, help! - Button shouted, noticing the kids running up. But Dunno seemed to have no intention of saving his friend. He ran to the circle and stood in it. - Oh, Button! What a meeting! Didn't I tell you not to meddle with boys? No one will want to hang out with you! - said Dunno, turning to Button, who was now looking at him in amazement with bulging eyes and an open mouth. His friends were also shocked. - What is this here? Bracelet? Well, throw it to me! Pass! - Dunno shouted to the gray-eyed man, who at that time was looking at him appraisingly. Dunno's friends couldn't believe their ears and eyes. Is it possible that Dunno, who started this good tradition of being friends with the little ones, will now betray them? - And you, I see, know this simpleton? – the gray-eyed man asked Dunno. - Oh, this one? - Dunno waved his hand. - Yes, we met a couple of times, that’s all! - Give me the bracelet! Dunno, what's wrong with you? – Button asked with tears in her eyes. - And you take it away! – the “leader” shouted and threw the bauble to his friend. - Pass to me, pass to me! - Dunno shouted and caught the bauble in the air. Immediately after that, he turned around, removed the impudent grin from his face and walked up to Button. - Here you are. Sorry for those words, but there was no other way to return the bracelet,” he said and handed her the bauble. Button began to cry, and Dunno hugged her and began to calm her down. -Well, be quiet! Beautiful decoration, take better care of it! “Dunno, but I believed it,” said Gunka and patted Dunno on the shoulder, “Well done!” “Me too,” said Mikrosha, “a good plan!” Everyone immediately forgot about the trio that was standing nearby, looking askance at Dunno and whispering. The friends were about to leave, but they were stopped by a voice: “Hey, guy, have you completely lost your sense of smell?” Do you even know who I am? – the dark-haired man asked and came close to Dunno. - I don’t know, that’s why I’m not afraid of you. Where did you come from, you thug? - Dunno answered with an impudent grin, although uncertainty was heard in his voice. - What? Who did you call a thug? Yes, I moved to you from Sunny City, I’m tired of the kids there, but here you have it even worse! -Oh well! Come on, look for like-minded people here! Only here we have real kids living here, and not weaklings like you! - Dunno pressed. -Well, that's it, you've got it! Guys, take it! - They are like trainers... , - Dunno did not finish the sentence, because three kids flew at him and began to fight. Mikrosha, Gunka and Pestenky jumped up to help Dunno. Button and the other little ones stood nearby and shouted in every possible way. The leader of the gang contrived and poked Dunno in the nose with his fist, blood immediately gushed out. Dunno responded by kicking his opponent in the stomach. As a result, the friends managed to defeat the suspicious company, albeit with great effort. Dunno's nose never stopped bleeding, Gunka was hit in the eye, and Mikrosha was hit in the ear. Motley escaped with a scratch on his forehead. As they ran away, the instigators of the fight shouted, showering everyone, especially Dunno, with curses and threats. They waved their fists for a long time, and the main one shouted: “This is not our last meeting!” You'll get it again, redhead! Remember the words of Tulip! This is how Dunno learned the name of his new (truth, only) enemy. Realizing that he couldn’t stop the bleeding himself, Dunno said goodbye to his friends, thanking them for their help, and ran towards Kolokolchikov Street.

Chapter twenty-seven. UNEXPECTED MEETING

Work to prepare for the ball was in full swing. A gazebo for the orchestra and tents around the dance floor had already been built. Tube painted the gazebo with the most intricate patterns, and the rest of the kids painted the tent in all the colors of the rainbow. The kids decorated the playground with flowers, colorful lanterns and flags. Dunno rushed here and there and gave orders with all his might. It seemed to him that the work was going very slowly. He shouted, fussed and only disturbed others. Fortunately, everyone knew what to do without him.
Someone came up with the idea of ​​placing benches around the site, but there were no boards. Dunno was ready to tear his hair out of frustration.
“Eh,” he shouted, “they couldn’t bring extra boards, but now all the cars have gone to Zmeevka!” Come on, let's break down some tent. We'll make benches out of it.
- Right! - Avoska shouted and already rushed with an ax to the nearest tent.
- What you! - said Tube. - We built and built, painted and painted, and now we tear it down?
- None of your business! - Avoska shouted. - Benches are also needed.
- But you can’t do one thing and break another!
-What are you doing here? - Dunno intervened. - Who is in charge, you or me? It is said to break - it means to break!
It is not known to what extent this argument would have reached, but then a car appeared in the distance.
- Bagel is back! - everyone shouted joyfully. - Now it will be possible to bring boards and there is no need to tear down the tent.
The car arrived. Bublik got out of the cabin. Another short man appeared behind him. Everyone looked at him in amazement.
- Fathers, this is our Znayka! - Doctor Pilyulkin shouted.
- Znayka has arrived! - Rasteryaika screamed.
The kids immediately surrounded Znayka, began hugging him and kissing him.
- Finally, we found you! - they said.
- How is it that you found me? - Znayka was surprised. - I think it was I who found you!
- Yes, yes, that’s right, you found us, but we thought that you had completely abandoned us!
- Did I leave you? - Znayka was surprised again. - I think it was you who left me!
“You jumped with a parachute, and we stayed,” answered Donut.
- Why did you stay? I gave the command to everyone to jump. You should have jumped after me, because the ball couldn’t fly for long anyway, and you probably got cold feet and were afraid.
“Yes, yes, we chickened out...” everyone nodded their heads.
- Of course, they chickened out! - said Dunno. - We were afraid to jump. It would be interesting to find out who chickened out first.
- Who? - Neboska asked. - You were probably the first to chicken out.
- I? - Dunno was surprised.
- Of course you! - everyone shouted here. - Who said that you shouldn’t jump? Isn't it you?
“Well, I,” Dunno admitted. - Why did you listen to me?
- Right! - Znayka grinned. - We found someone to listen to! As if you don’t know that Dunno is an ass?
“Well,” Dunno spread his hands, “now it turns out that I’m an ass!”
“And a coward,” added Syrup.
“And besides, he’s a liar,” said Donut.
- Is this when I lied? - Dunno was surprised.
- Who said that you invented the ball? - Donut asked.
- What are you, what are you! - Dunno waved his hands. - I didn’t invent any ball. It was Znayka who invented the ball.
- Who said that you are our boss? - Syrupchik pressed Dunno.
- Yes, I’m the boss! “I just... Well, it’s just nothing at all,” Dunno made excuses.
- And now we just look at you - ugh! Now we have Znayka in charge! - Syrup continued to shout.
The kids who heard this whole conversation began to laugh loudly. They saw that Dunno was an ordinary braggart. Galochka and Kubyshka immediately ran to tell everyone that Dunno turned out to be a liar and that it was not he who invented the ball, but Znayka.
Sineglazka approached Dunno and said with contempt:
- Why did you deceive us? We believed you - we thought that you were really smart, honest and brave, but you turned out to be a pathetic deceiver and a contemptible coward!
She proudly turned away from Dunno and approached Znayka, around whom a crowd of kids had already gathered. Everyone was interested in looking at him and listening to what he had to say.
- Tell me, is it true that when you fly in a hot air balloon, the ground below seems the size of a pie? - Squirrel asked Znayka.
“No, that’s not true,” answered Znayka. - The earth is very large, and no matter how much you ascend in a balloon, it seems even larger, since a wider view opens up from above.
- Tell me, please, is it true that the clouds are very hard and you had to chop them with an ax during the flight? - asked Blue Eyes.
“That’s also not true,” answered Znayka. - Clouds are soft like air, because they are made of fog, there is no need to chop them with an ax.
The kids began to ask Znayka if it was true that balloons were inflated with steam, if it was true that a balloon could fly upside down, if it was true that when they were flying it was a frost of a thousand degrees and one tenth. Znayka replied that all this was not true and asked:
-Who told you such nonsense?
“This is Dunno,” Zainka answered and laughed.
Everyone turned to Dunno and laughed loudly. Dunno blushed with shame and was ready to fall through the ground. He started to run and hid in the thickets of dandelions.

“I’ll sit in the dandelions, and then they’ll forget about this story - and I’ll get out,” Dunno decided.
Znayka really wanted to explore the Green City. Sineglazka, Snowflake and other little ones went with him to show him all the sights. Znayka carefully examined the bridge across the river, then began to inspect the reed water supply system. He was very interested in the construction of water supply and fountains. The kids told him in detail how the plumbing works and how to make fountains so that the water flows up and not down.

Znayka liked that the little ones had exemplary order and absolute cleanliness everywhere. He praised them for even covering the sidewalks on the street with rugs. The kids were delighted and began to invite Znayka into the house so that he could look at the internal structure. The inside was as nice and clean as the outside.

In one of the houses, Znayka saw a bookcase with books and said that when he returns home, he will make a bookcase for himself.
- Don't you have a bookcase? - asked the little ones.
“No,” Znayka admitted.
- Where do you keep your books?
Znayka just waved his hand. He was ashamed to admit that his books were simply lying on the table, or even under the table and even under the bed.
Znayka, of course, was also interested in watermelons. The kids told him about Solomka, and Znayka wanted to meet her. The kids found Solomka and introduced her to Znayka. Znayka began asking her about everything that interested him. Straw told him about her work growing various fruits and vegetables. Znayka listened very carefully and even wrote down something in his notebook.
“This is a smart kid,” said the little ones. “It’s immediately obvious that he loves to learn something.”
And Dunno, of course, did not have the patience to sit in the thickets of dandelions. From time to time he crawled out, and this is where things got tough for him. The kids didn’t pay any attention to him at all, as if he didn’t exist, but the kids simply didn’t let him pass.
- Dunno is a liar! - they shouted. - Dunno is a braggart! Dunno coward!
“No, apparently they haven’t forgotten yet!” - Dunno thought with annoyance and rushed back into the dandelions.
After a while he crawled out again, and everything was repeated again. Finally he said:
- I won’t come out anymore! You have to be firm. I will sit firmly here until tomorrow. I'll only get out when the ball starts.

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