Sogu: faculties and passing scores
In North Ossetia, the largest and most famous educational organization among higher educational institutions is the North Ossetian...
How to enter a university without an exam
Since 2009, admission to Russian universities began to be based on the results of the Unified State Exam. After passing the Unified State Exam you...
College of Foreign Languages ​​
A significant part of the capital's secondary vocational educational sector is represented by. Graduates of institutions devote their lives to working in...
College of Physical Culture and Sports
The correspondence department is headed by Irina Valentinovna TRUKHINA. Sessions at the correspondence department are held 3 times a year: orientation in October, winter...
The meaning of the word cell in the encyclopedia biology Organs and glands
A cell is an elementary living system capable of independent existence, self-reproduction and development; the basis of the structure and...
Historical background Theory of automatic control course of lectures
Automatic control theory (ACT) is a scientific discipline that studies the processes of automatic control of objects of different physical...
Sogu: faculties and passing scores
In North Ossetia, the largest and most famous educational organization among higher educational institutions is the North Ossetian...
Old Russian orthography - writing
The alphabet of the Old Church Slavonic language is a collection of written signs in a certain order, expressing specific sounds. This system is quite...
Interpretation of the Gospel of John (Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria) Gospel of John chapter 1 read
I. Prologue (1:1-18) All four Gospels begin by presenting Jesus Christ in a specific historical "context", however, the beginning...
Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution happening in Russia?
The fourth industrial revolution is sweeping the planet. At least, there have been conversations about it for several years now, especially after in 2011...
Abstract central africa
Abstract plan 1. Geographical location. 2. History of discovery and research. 3. Relief; climate and rivers. 4. Soils, vegetation and animals...