Artistry psychology. Artistry in everyday life. Pantomimes and dramatizations

Artistry– 1) a) Artistic talent, outstanding creative abilities. b) transfer High creative skill, virtuosity in some way. in fact. 2) transfer Particular elegance of manners, graceful movements.
Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language edited by T. F. Efremova

Artistry is an undoubted manifestation of human creativity. Although this trait is needed not only by people of art, actors and singers. Showing artistry always helps in everyday life, in business, in personal life.

  • Artistry is the art of transforming yourself when the situation demands it.
  • Artistry is the ability to put on a mask and live up to the chosen role.
  • Artistry is the ability to transform yourself, both externally and internally, without betraying yourself.
  • Artistry is the ability to become different - on stage, in life - when circumstances require it.

If artistry in art is a self-evident phenomenon, then the attitude towards artistry in everyday life is ambiguous. It may often seem to be at odds with the moral principles of honesty, integrity and truthfulness. However, if we look at artistry in everyday life from a different perspective, we will see that it is undoubtedly a kind of defensive weapon. Almost every day we are subjected to mental and energetic attacks, and from completely unexpected directions. In such a situation, we often have to put on different masks, depending on our communicative intentions. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself!

The benefits of artistry

  • Artistry helps you maintain good relationships with people, even those you may not like.
  • Artistry and diplomacy help not to offend in situations where the truth is hard-hitting.
  • Artistry is an absolutely necessary trait for people in creative professions.
  • Artistry is a kind of defense mechanism in conditions when it is impossible to show true feelings and mood.

Expressions of artistry in everyday life

A creative approach to everyday life is an active life position, the desire to live brightly, in harmony with oneself and others. Artistry in everyday life is the ability to look and behave the way you need in a specific situation, the ability to attract and captivate people. Thanks to artistry, we have the ability to control the situation in many areas of our lives.

Here, for example, are those areas in which artistry is unconditionally necessary today.

  • Acting environment. Looking at numerous films, we often catch ourselves thinking that some actors are invited to a certain role because of their image. That is, in all films this actor plays the same way, in fact himself - only his personal image is exploited. Other actors can play such diverse roles and transform themselves so much that sometimes you are amazed at how great the talent and strength of artistry of these geniuses is.
  • Business environment. The development of artistry in this area is one of the key points in creating one’s own image and improving communication skills. Presentations, self-presentations, presentation of new projects - in fact, any public speech cannot do without entering into a certain image, role.

How to develop artistry

By developing artistry, we become excellent actors. And by becoming good actors, we are able to play better and better the roles that life itself offers us. When receiving this or that “task,” this or that role, we carefully think through an image that often does not coincide with our true “I” and does not allow us to reveal our true intentions.

  • We learn to hide our thoughts. Yes, yes, you don’t always need to show and express your true feelings. Let's just try not to think about what we want to hide from others. Let’s try to hide true thoughts somewhere far away, and let into the “foreground” only those that will help create the necessary image.
  • Learning to hide emotions. Let's do a creative task. Choose your favorite song (or better yet, several) - exactly the one that touches you to the depths of your soul, from which a lump appears in your throat and tears well up. Learn it and sing, sing, sing... It is very important that you experience all the emotions that capture you while singing this song. Now learn to perform it for “listeners”, perform it in such a way that your soul is absolutely calm and the song does not make you feel emotional.
  • Learning to demonstrate loyalty. Remember the people towards whom you, for some reason, have negative emotions. Of course, ideally, rejection of people should be eradicated on its own, since it interferes with spiritual development and has a destructive effect on the personality. However, if this drawback is present, we use it for good purposes. Try to communicate with these people as much as possible, but in such a way that no one suspects that you still have a certain aversion towards these individuals. Have you found any negativity towards people? Congratulations and we envy you! Use other exercises!
  • We learn to hide our confusion. Let's say there is a person in whose presence you give up, feel depressed, insecure. Wonderful. There is an opportunity to train not only artistry, but also fearlessness, self-confidence and self-esteem. Try to communicate more with such a person. The main condition is that your behavior should be free, relaxed, and confident. But in no way provocative or arrogant.

Don't be afraid to set yourself difficult tasks - this will speed up your improvement.

Golden mean

Straightforwardness, schematism



Catchphrases about artistry

Art consists in the fact that the actor makes something alien, given to him by the author of the play, his own. - E.B. Vakhtangov - There is no better rule in art than not to get carried away by the first impulse. If you give yourself time to think, the embodiment always comes out more true. - T. Salvini - The beauty of talent is that it does what I cannot. - M.A. Svetlov - Actors make an impression on the audience not when they go wild, but when they play the frenzy well. - Denis Diderot - To be creative, you need to lose yourself and there, outside yourself, forget your “extra thoughts.” - M. Prishvin - Stanislavsky K.S. / An actor's work on himself Here is one of the most famous and sought-after works all over the world by the great Russian director, famous actor, teacher and theater figure K.S. Stanislavsky. This book is a classic acting training that provides knowledge without which an actor who thinks about his art cannot consider himself a real actor. Veronica Dupre / How to become an actor What does it mean to be a good actor? It's not enough to just learn acting lessons. First of all, it is control of your voice and body, the ability to speak correctly and move correctly. Oddly enough, talent given from above cannot replace this skill. It comes on top and turns just a good actor into an actor who wins thousands of hearts. However, having talent is not everything. You also need to be able to manage them correctly.

No matter how much you put your teeth on the shelf, creative people need self-expression. And in order to reveal acting talent and improve stagecraft, you need perseverance and patience. Acting exercises will help you acquire and hone all the skills needed by a professional actor. After all, an actor on stage is not just a mechanical doll that mindlessly carries out the director’s instructions, but a doll that can think logically and calculate actions several steps ahead. A professional actor is flexible, has good coordination, expressive facial expressions and intelligible speech.

Before you start studying and working on etudes and scenes to the fullest, you need to understand yourself a little. A real actor needs certain character traits that must be actively developed in himself. Other qualities should be hidden in a far corner and remembered extremely rarely.

Let's consider such a quality as self-love. It would seem that this is a normal state for every person. But this quality has 2 sides:

  • Self-love makes you develop and learn every day, and not give up. Without this quality, even a very talented person will not be able to become a famous actor.
  • Self-love and narcissism are a dead end for an acting career. Such a person will never be able to work for the viewer; all attention will be focused on himself.

A good actor cannot be absent-minded. He should not be distracted by extraneous noise while playing on stage. Because acting inherently implies constant control of oneself and one’s partner. Otherwise the role will simply become a mechanical performance. And attention allows you not to miss important details while studying, watching theatrical productions, master classes and trainings. In order to learn to concentrate, use exercises to develop attention from stagecraft.

Attention is the basis for a good start to a theatrical career

The development of attention begins not with special exercises, but with everyday life. An aspiring actor should spend a lot of time in crowded places, observing people, their behavior, facial expressions, and characteristics. All this can later be used to create images.

Keep a creative diary - this is an ordinary diary of a creative person. In it, express your thoughts, feelings, write down all the changes that have occurred with surrounding objects.

After filling out the creative diary, you can move on to practicing sketches and sketches. A novice actor is obliged to convey as accurately as possible the image and facial expressions of the person he was observing. It is necessary to place prototypes in non-standard situations - it is precisely such productions that show how much the actor was able to understand and get used to the image of an unknown person.

"Listening to Silence"

The next exercise is the ability to listen to silence; you need to learn to direct attention to a certain part of the external space, gradually expanding the boundaries:

  • listen to yourself;
  • listen to what is happening in the room;
  • listen to sounds throughout the building;
  • recognize sounds on the street.

Exercise "Shadow"

It not only develops attention, but also teaches you to move consciously. One person slowly does some pointless actions. The second’s task is to repeat all movements as accurately as possible, try to predict them, and determine the purpose of the actions.

Pantomimes and dramatizations

A good actor knows how to convey emotions expressively through words and body. These skills will help to involve the viewer in the game and convey to him the full depth of the theatrical production.

Pantomime is a special type of stage art based on the creation of an artistic image through plasticity, without the use of words.

  • The best exercise to learn pantomime is crocodile game. The goal of the game is to show an object, phrase, feeling, event without words. A simple but fun game perfectly trains expressiveness, develops thinking, and teaches you to make quick decisions.
  • Dramatization of proverbs. The purpose of the exercise is to use a small scene to show a well-known proverb or aphorism. The viewer must understand the meaning of what is happening on stage.
  • Gesture game– with the help of non-verbal symbols, an actor can say a lot on stage. To play you need at least 7 people. Everyone comes up with a gesture for themselves, shows it to others, then shows some other person’s gesture. The one whose gesture was shown must quickly repeat it himself and show the next someone else's gesture. Whoever gets lost is out of the game. This game is complex, develops attention, teaches teamwork, improves plasticity and hand coordination.

Exercises for the development of plasticity

If things are not going well with plastic surgery, this deficiency can be easily corrected. By regularly performing the following movements at home, you can learn to feel your own body better and control it skillfully.

"Painting the fence"

The exercise “painting the fence” develops the plasticity of the hands and arms well. It is necessary to paint the fence using your hands instead of a brush.

What exercises make your hands obedient:

  • smooth waves from one shoulder to the other;
  • invisible wall - you need to touch the invisible surface with your hands, feel it;
  • rowing with invisible oars;
  • twisting clothes;
  • tug of war with an invisible rope.

"Pick it up piece by piece"

A more difficult task is “assemble the parts.” You need to assemble some complex mechanism piece by piece - a bicycle, a helicopter, an airplane, or create a boat from boards. Take an invisible part, feel it with your hands, show the size, weight and shape. The viewer must imagine what spare part is in the actor’s hands. Install the part - the better the plastic, the faster the viewer will understand what the actor is assembling.

"Stroke the animal"

Exercise “petting the animal.” The actor’s task is to pet the animal, pick it up, feed it, open and close the cage. The viewer must understand whether this is a fluffy hare or a slippery, wriggling snake, a small mouse or a large elephant.

Development of coordination

The actor must have good coordination. This skill allows you to perform complex exercises on stage, performing several movements at the same time.

Exercises to develop coordination:

  • Swimming. Extend your arms straight parallel to the floor. Make circular movements backwards with one hand, and forwards with the other. Move your hands simultaneously, periodically changing the direction of movement of each hand.
  • Knock - stroke. Place one hand on your head and start stroking. Place your other hand on your stomach, tapping lightly. Do the movements at the same time, not forgetting to change hands.
  • Conductor. Stretch your arms. One hand moves up and down for 2 beats. The other one makes voluntary movements for 3 beats. Or draws a geometric figure. Use both hands at the same time, changing hands periodically.
  • Confusion. Extend one arm, make circular movements clockwise with your straight hand, while simultaneously rotating your hand in the other direction.

These exercises are not easy to do at first. But constant practice gives results. Each exercise should be repeated at least 10 times every day.

Scenes and sketches for beginning actors

A novice actor does not have to come up with everything from scratch. The ability to copy and imitate well is an integral part of stagecraft. You just need to find a film with your favorite character, try to copy his facial expressions, movements, gestures and speech as accurately as possible, convey emotions and mood.

The task seems simple, but at first it may be difficult. Only regular practice will help hone the skill of imitation. In this exercise you cannot do without attention and the ability to concentrate on little things. Jim Carrey has a good gift for imitation - there is a lot to learn from him.

Exercise “Think it through”

The acting profession requires a well-developed fantasy and imagination. You can develop these skills using the “think it through” exercise. You need to go to places with large crowds of people, choose a person, observe, pay attention to their appearance and behavior. Then come up with a biography, a name, and determine his occupation.

Scenic speech

Good stage speech involves more than just clear pronunciation and good articulation. A good actor must be able to scream quietly and whisper loudly, and convey the emotions, age and mental state of the hero with just his voice.

To learn how to convey emotions in words, you need to pronounce a simple phrase from the point of view of different characters - a little girl, a mature woman, an older man, a famous actor or politician. You need to find special intonations for each character, use typical speech patterns.

Exercises for developing stage speech:

  • Blowing out the candles. Take in more air and blow out 3 candles one by one. The number of candles must be constantly increased, and the diaphragm muscles must be used when inhaling.
  • Practicing exhalation technique. The poem "The House That Jack Built" is appropriate for this exercise. Each part of the piece must be pronounced in one breath.
  • Improving diction. Slurred speech is unacceptable for a good actor. You need to honestly identify problematic sounds in your speech and pronounce tongue twisters every day that are aimed at eliminating the problem. You need to exercise for at least half an hour 3-5 times a day. Tongue twisters teach you to speak clearly at a fast pace, which is extremely important in acting.
  • Intonation plays a prominent role in creating the right image. To practice, you need to read literary dramatic texts aloud every day.

You can study acting exercises on your own; various trainings will come to your aid. But it’s better to study in the company of like-minded people - you can take courses or organize theater evenings at home. The main thing is to never give up, always believe in your own talent, and move towards your goal.

Artistry is the ability to convey emotional information through movements, facial expressions, eye expression and voice. Moreover, the information can be both true and false. Artistry is the art of transformation, allowing a person to put on a certain “mask”. By getting used to the role, a person temporarily changes his personality without changing his deep personal attitudes.

Artistry is a useful human quality that accompanies us in everyday life and at work. First of all, artistry is necessary for actors, but it is also important in other areas of activity - for example, without it it is difficult for businessmen, teachers, journalists, sales representatives and everyone who deals with people to work. It is also extremely important in everyday life, because in order to maintain good relationships, it is often more profitable for us to behave not as we want, but as the situation requires.

Artistry is an innate human quality - look how artistic children are, how diligently and without embarrassment they get used to the images of the characters in their games, how they speak in different voices for dolls, how easily they become princesses and evil wizards. But over time, adults eradicate childish spontaneity in them, kids learn to restrain their emotions, submit to the image created by society of a conscious person who should not run around the apartment in an Indian costume and hit imaginary enemies with a toy bow. The ability to restrain emotions is also one of the manifestations of artistry, which we will discuss below.

Women are more artistic than men. Ladies are more open and emotional, they are accustomed to show a wider range of feelings than representatives of the stronger sex, who are taught from childhood that they cannot cry and complain, that “calf tenderness” is the lot of women and children, that open expression of tenderness and delight is not a man’s business. Men are left with only a narrow range of internal qualities that are allowed to be shown in public - confidence, calmness, courage, strength of character.

Fortunately, man is an obstinate creature and is not always inclined to listen to public opinion, so among men there are many artistic individuals who are capable of playing any role that life or the director of a film requires of them.

What is artistry for us in the first place? This is a tool for managing yourself and people. It sounds strange... But think about it - why do people play certain roles? To evoke a response in the viewer's soul. And having achieved the necessary emotions, it is possible to direct a person along the path of thinking that is beneficial to the artist.

A great example is bluffing in poker. The player pretends that he has good cards, raises bets until his opponents get cold feet and throw their cards on the table. In poker, artistry is the most important quality of a winner - it’s not easy to sit with a calm and confident expression on your face when you don’t have the best hand and large sums of money are at stake.

Bluffing has long migrated from poker to business and other areas of human life, and we know very well that the fate of deals and entire companies often depends on a well-executed “performance.”

Artistry is pretense. When a person demonstrates to others something that is not what he really feels, it is practically the same as lying outright.

This may be the opinion of people who are accustomed to sincerely expressing their emotions and feelings. But if you think about it, even the most truthful person has to put on new masks every day.

For example, someone sees a man with an extremely disfigured face on the street - the natural desire would be to come up and take a closer look. But we know from childhood that people with physical disabilities cannot be openly looked at, it offends and insults them. Therefore, our truthful person will pass by, pretending that he did not notice anything. After a difficult work day, he will go to his old sick mother and will try hard to pretend that everything is fine with him, although problems have arisen in the family and large debts have accumulated. But he can’t upset his mother, who has a bad heart... The next day, meeting with important partners, he will give an incendiary and convincing speech, proving the advisability of continuing cooperation - although in reality he is very tired and only dreams of getting a good night’s sleep.

In addition, artistry is not necessarily a demonstration of non-existent emotions - sometimes it is very important to convey to the opponent your personal attitude towards the situation: concern about the problem, empathy, love, grief. It often happens that the solution to a problem depends precisely on how confident the second party is in the interest of the first. For example, if a husband fails to demonstrate his sincere repentance for an offense or concern for his wife’s health, the wife will think that she is indifferent to him - on this basis the family may even break up. Or maybe he really loves her, but doesn’t know how to express his emotions?

As you can see, artistry is an important component of interacting with people, and its absence makes life much more difficult. Fortunately, it can be developed and trained, and various simple exercises and tasks will help with this.

1. Play games. The article mentioned poker - this is a great game for developing the qualities of an artist. True, this does not mean that you need to go to a casino and spend your entire salary there. It’s better to play with friends for wishes - this will not only save the participants’ budget, but will also serve them well. After all, by fulfilling wishes, the loser continues to develop artistry - usually friends give humorous tasks related to strangers. Confess your love to a passerby, go to your neighbors at midnight and ask them for an ax, shout something stupid out the window. This will make life more fun, and you will be much braver and more confident.

In addition, there are many games for adults and children that will help make a person more artistic. For example, “The sea worries once” or “Princess Nesmeyana”. Such games can be arranged for holidays in a large company or during picnics.

2. Keep up with the times. You know, what is a selfie? Of course you do! Now it is so fashionable that even grandmothers post pictures on the Internet taken in the mirror or from an outstretched arm. Use this modern trend to improve your acting skills. Write down all the emotions you know on a piece of paper and take pictures of yourself, trying to depict them. Look what happens. For greater effect, you can post a photo on a social network so that friends and acquaintances can express their opinions about your talents.

Almost everyone has a video camera built into their camera or phone; you can record videos from a webcam. Record video messages, read poems with expression, tell the camera your thoughts on any issues that concern you. This is liberating and gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside and understand what you need to work on. Maybe your pronunciation is lame, or you rub your nose with your hand all the time, or maybe your eyes wander. Looking at the notes, you can create your own image of communication, more charming and pleasant than now.

3. Learn to experience the right emotions. What makes the best actors successful? They cannot play with them - feigned feelings do not inspire confidence. To portray an emotion, it must be experienced. To do this, you need to remember the events that provoked the feelings that you are going to depict: happy moments from childhood are suitable for joyful experiences, and to evoke grief and melancholy, remember the greatest loss in life - the death of a loved one, a fire in the house, illness. Remember and focus on details and visual images, allow yourself to immerse yourself in the past - and then the necessary emotions will be reflected on your face.

4. Control yourself. The development of artistry involves not only demonstrating the “right” emotions, but also suppressing those that are currently not worth showing. There is, for example, such an expression as “bringing down the price” - this is a technique from the sphere of acting in everyday life. What does a person do to bring down the price? He pretends that he doesn’t really need the desired acquisition - to do this he has to restrain the feeling of desire, impatience, anticipation of the proximity of the desired object. This technique works both in bidding and in relationships between people - when a person sees that his offer is of little interest to the buyer, he reduces the price. For example, this method includes the immutable rule of girls: do not answer the phone right away, so that the guy does not think that she was waiting for a call.

How to learn not to reveal your true feelings in public? About, how to manage emotions, there are many articles on the Internet, so we will focus on only one, the simplest and most effective method. In order for an emotion not to control you, you need to believe that it is not a mental, but a physiological manifestation. This is true: emotions are just chemical reactions of the brain to some events. If you carefully analyze them, it turns out that they are expressed in some kind of physical symptoms - the heart begins to beat intensely, it takes your breath away, you feel hot or cold, your stomach “pulls.” If you treat it as a physical phenomenon, you will be able to perceive the emotion as a mild pain that you can ignore. After all, having cut yourself, you don’t suffer over your wound all week until it heals - you try to forget about the discomfort and work as if nothing had happened. You can also ignore emotions, doing what is necessary: ​​when it’s scary, abstract yourself and call for help to a state of calm through memories of something that brought peace in the past. Well-developed artistry is impossible without the ability to manage emotions, so you will have to work on this.

As with any phenomenon, there are extremes in artistry. There are lively and artistic, but overly sincere individuals who are capable of showing only real emotions, without thinking about the results of their behavior. Such people are usually considered stupid, short-sighted and primitive: “Straight as a table!” or “Simple as five cents!” - they talk about them. This hardly seems like a compliment. The opposite extreme is pathological hypocrisy, in which a person never demonstrates his true intentions.

The other two extremes are a complete lack of artistry and, conversely, pretentiousness, too demonstrative behavior that attracts a lot of attention. A completely unartistic person is more like a robot, programmed for only one emotion - calm, despondency or silent discontent; too artistic - annoying and tiring with its endless outbursts.

Of course, any extremes are bad; you need to find a middle ground in order to achieve your goals using your innate acting abilities. Without self-improvement, artistry resembles a rough diamond - it must be cut and brought to perfection, and then it will become a bright adornment of the individual.

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Artistry helps a person in various areas of life. This could be work, study or simple communication with friends. Artistry is the ability to behave in a way that others like and is required in certain life circumstances. However, this concept has many interpretations. A person can also improve or develop this quality.

What is artistry

A person who has this quality is able to transform himself and play various roles in real life. Artistry is the creativity of an individual. Almost all people have this ability, but only to varying degrees of its manifestation. It is inherent not only to singers, actors and speakers. Artistic people are quite common. They skillfully captivate others with their interesting stories, complementing them with expressive gestures and vivid emotions. Artistry is also developed among journalists, teachers, and businessmen. After all, such people need the ability to persuade and hold the public’s attention.

Interpretations of this quality:

  • Artistry is a kind of talent that allows a person to reincarnate if circumstances require it.
  • Artistry is the ability to become a different person in front of society and with loved ones, but at the same time behave naturally.
  • A quality due to which an individual changes not only externally, but also on a psychological level, without betraying himself.
  • Artistic personalities fit the chosen roles.

A person can either be born with this skill or acquire it over the years. To do this you need to work, study and practice.

Artistry in real life

Such talents in art are a common occurrence. An artistic person sometimes evokes controversial feelings in everyday life. After all, sometimes it seems to others that such people neglect the rules of morality, truth and honesty. However, in reality, artistry is a kind of defense mechanism.

After all, almost every day a person is subjected to both psychological and energetic attacks from friends, relatives or just people on the street. And in such situations, artistry is a necessity. He helps to put on different masks so as not to spoil relationships with others. But artistry has other benefits:

  1. This quality helps to conduct a dialogue and maintain correct relationships even with an unpleasant person. This means that people who possess it tend to show a sense of tact.
  2. For professions related to creativity, it is impossible to do without artistry.
  3. Diplomacy and artistry can help in situations where the truth may be unpleasant.
  4. This quality allows you to protect yourself from aggression and emerge victorious.

This is what artistry looks like in everyday life. It is one of the most important traits in a person. This ability helps to express emotions in a better way, which allows others to better understand the interlocutor.

Where does artistry come into play?

Thanks to a masterful psychological approach, a person can control the situation. Artistry is a helper for people. It manifests itself in the following industries:

  • Journalism. This specialty involves communicating with people. An artistic person inspires confidence and liberation. Thanks to this, people sincerely share information, and the journalist presents it to the people. This is necessary during interviews with both politicians and ordinary people.
  • Acting professions. Most films feature personalities who are remembered by directors for their acting skills. Almost no one pays attention to appearance. Theaters also need people who are able to convey this or that mood.
  • Pedagogy. The degree of his achievements in raising children and students depends on the level of development of artistry in a teacher. The teacher must be respected, so he must have a mask of severity in his arsenal and put it on in a timely manner. Only artistry can help with this. You need to be able to portray emotions of approval, anger or indignation. Teachers need this to control the situation. After all, children will not learn material if their teacher is boring and untrustworthy.
  • Among businessmen. This quality is one of the most important in maintaining your image. It is vital for a businessman to develop artistry. After all, the respect of staff and business partners depends on this. A businessman must skillfully persuade, thereby increasing the number of successful transactions.

These are the most popular areas where the innate or acquired inclinations of artistic people manifest themselves. They lead people and convince others. Also, creative individuals delight and guide you on the right path.

The teaching profession contains creativity. Artistry in the work of a teacher is an integral part of his activity. It incorporates spiritual and physical qualities that allow us to establish a constructive dialogue with each individual child. Thanks to this, many teachers enjoy the trust of students. Already in the course of their work they acquire what is relevant to pedagogy.

The types of artistry are very multifaceted. Here are the main methods teachers use:

  • Inner artistry. He combines culture, emotion, charm and imagination while solving various situations. These can be bright lessons that captivate students. Due to the inner artistry of the teacher, children are tuned in to study.
  • External. This is a creative presentation of material. External artistry is included in learning as in a game. Thanks to this, students perceive the material with pleasure.

A teacher must be able to transform himself and restrain his emotions. He needs to remain calm in those moments when students are worried. Also, the roles they apply should not be noticeable.

How to develop this quality

When an individual improves his artistic ability, he becomes an actor. Thanks to this, people can play roles that appear in everyday and professional life. The development of artistry involves thinking through images that do not correspond to internal experiences. After all, a person often faces situations when he really needs to hide his emotions. How to develop artistry:

  1. You need to learn to control your thoughts. A person should only think about what will help him conduct a constructive dialogue. To do this, you need to remove thoughts that will harm communication.
  2. Try to hide true emotions. A person is not able to control only the direction of his pupils. Tears, irritation, smile, laughter, tremors - all this can obey his will. But practice is key here.
  3. Learn to treat others loyally. This is difficult to do when emotions are overwhelming. However, to establish a trusting relationship, others must believe that no one is judging them. This can only be learned through long practice.
  4. Hide your insecurities. To do this, you need to communicate a lot with people who evoke this feeling. In this way, a person trains not only artistry, but also self-confidence. It is also useful for professional activities.

If you follow these rules, then anyone will develop artistry. And this skill will be useful in everyday life, communicating with loved ones and friends, as well as at work. If you try hard, progress will be visible after two weeks of practice.


Artistic personalities are interesting to interlocutors. They are often able to lead others. Almost every person needs to improve this quality. However, do not forget that you need to be interesting, and not seem so.

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